Check out these training videos before playing pls!

Will save you having to ask about stuff thats already in there;5320271;;/fileinfo.html
Theres also some extra bits of info in the game manual downloadable off the website, such as how to change Panzerfaust sites to 30,60 or 80 metres (F by default BTW, same as for putting bayonet on).
Also go in the options before playing to familiarise yourself with the buttons, and maybe change em around to something that suits you. For eg. I think the default button for iron sights is middle mouse.
Anyway if you want to add me to your buddy list (in RO) I will try to help if I can

My ingame name is Melipone
And here's a new trailer video:
Hope you like the game
Edit: Might as well put some extra tips to lower the learning curve a bit:
1 - There's no crosshairs!! And putting a dot in the middle of the screen won't help. Reason is because of the "free aim" system, which basically means the gun is not always pointing in the centre of the screen as you move around (outside of iron sight mode), and all bullets are shot based on where the gun is pointing. This means that to hit anything when shooting from the hip (which is advisable in close range fighting if the nme has seen you) you have to judge where the gun is pointing to be accurate.
2 - You have to shoot in bursts with SMG's and at close range preferably. The higher your stance the shorter the bursts should be, so if you are in close range with someone, strafe and hip shoot 2-3 shot bursts (while standing). After each burst re-aim and burst again. This is my way of playing when the enemy has seen me. Otherwise it might be best to crouch or prone and use iron sights with longer bursts.
3 - Always go for the Capture Points (objectives)! Don't sit back and hope your team will deal with the capturing/defending while you camp and pick people off. Even if you have a bolt action rifle you should be heading for one or be in one at all times IMO. Obviously if you have a MG or Sniper then you can camp
4 - Attach the bayonet! Melee is a lot of fun in this game so I think you should always go for the bolt that gives a bayonet. The german one has and the default russian one does too. Just press f to put it on and sprint with melee held down when you see a victim. Charge at him while changing angles to put his aim off and release melee just before you reach him.
5 - Bolt action rifles are IMO one of if not THE best infantry weapon in the game, but probably not when you are getting started. As you play more you will get better with it. Don't feel like you've been "stuck" with the bolt because all the other classes are taken. It is the second best long range weapon (top is Sniper), is deadly at close range with the bayonet, and when you get better you will be able to pull off hip shots with it and close range.
6 - Be sneaky/stealthy!! Use cover to get to the objective. Don't shoot if you think you will miss so that you don't alert the enemy to your position. Try to wait for the enemy to stop before shooting (with the bolt) to start with because...
7 - each bullet has velocity, depending on the gun its fired from. This means that where you need to aim depends on a) the velocity of the round, b) the distance from you and c) how fast the target is moving laterally. Also the bullets dip a bit. Its hardly noticable with the bolts, but more so with the gun that fire bullets with lower velocity.
8 - Hmm can't think of much more atm. Maybe go in Practice mode to get used to the game a bit and then dive into a server. Just be prepared to die a lot till you get the hang of it
9 - OK thought of another - each map has different class/weapon limits. This means that each map has a quite a different type of gameplay. Some are predominantely SMG based, some are a mixture and some are mostly bolt action. Just thought I would mention it because you could get quite a different first impression depending on the map you play first. Also there are maps that are mostly tank orientated, some combined arms and a lot without tanks. I prefer the infantry only maps personally