Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 FREE 5 DAY trial

Just a tip of bolt actions, once you clikc you have to click again to chamber another round, its not automatic.
So simply double click when you want to fire and never forget to chamber a round again.

Until you need to reload that is.
well im too eager, instead of waiting some more for the free trial, i spent my £13 and bought it, all i can say is wow...totally different league to different FPS games, much more rewarding when you get a kill, controls and stuff is so complex its crazy, but im enjoying it so far.
KnightStalker said:
well im too eager, instead of waiting some more for the free trial, i spent my £13 and bought it, all i can say is wow...totally different league to different FPS games, much more rewarding when you get a kill, controls and stuff is so complex its crazy, but im enjoying it so far.

I don't find the controls any more complex than say BF2.

You're right about it being much more rewarding getting a kill. :cool:
Especially in some of the city maps where it's just everyone camping with snipers or normal rifles. :eek:

Some of the huge tank maps are great too. :D
IMHO its a wicked game, been playing it since the early mod days and still not bored with it.

The new additions of smoke grenades have had a mixed reception but with TWI (the dev team) periodicaly releasing free updates and bonus material its money well spent.

Whens the last time you guys got a free content update from another studio?
94% pre-loaded, well looking forward to playing this. Last version i played was the UT2k4 mod and that was an interesting game, hearing good things about this new version.

Spunj99 said:
94% pre-loaded, well looking forward to playing this. Last version i played was the UT2k4 mod and that was an interesting game, hearing good things about this new version.


85% for me :D From what I've heard of this game, looks brilliant! Looks like a realistic BF2 :eek:
BarryFell said:
I don't find the controls any more complex than say BF2.

You're right about it being much more rewarding getting a kill. :cool:

well not complex like its going to baffle you for days, but it just takes some getting used to, in the fact so many options

I love the sniper rifle scope, but i would like an option to close the other eye/open it, so it goes black apart from the scope when eye closed, open and its clear with the scope in view, that would add more realism to the sniper class imo.
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Looking forward to it.
it will be nice to play the game on full servers rather than ones half populated by bots. the bots really are awful, i would rather play against 5 or so other players than 5 players and 10 bots.
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The game has no crosshairs at all which could make things interesting. Ironsights for the win :)

Strange that its on steam but actually the UT engine, how does it compare on physics, etc I havent played UT for 5 years.

Is it going to work on my poverty spec machine with a 8500, I need to look the up the system req
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