Red, Yellow, Green, Brown, Blue, Pink and Black. It's the General Snooker Thread!

I think it's 18-4 to Ronnie on the head-to-head with Stuart so that's a fat lot of good. Judd will have to beat him.
Getting a bit bored of every time the commentators see Ronnie's face they have to say genius or the greatest ever, I love watching him play but this is getting so sickly I'm watching it muted already.

I'd like Judd to win this year, either him or Higgins I think if not long as his sycophants have quieted down a bit lol.
Ballrun and little Ronald is getting farcical, misses and inoffs the order of the day. And the table just got a smack from Ronnie's cue so should be interesting to see where this goes...
Getting a bit bored of every time the commentators see Ronnie's face they have to say genius or the greatest ever, I love watching him play but this is getting so sickly I'm watching it muted already.


Yes, the amount of arselicking and nut swinging gets tedious to say the least. I'd be surprised if he ever has to buy toilet roll.....
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