Interesting video, but I must have missed where they explained how EMI decodes the digital signal, reduces the contrast, makes the whites darker and blacks lighter, then re-encodes it, do you have a timestamp?
Better quality 1s and 0s, innit?
Interesting video, but I must have missed where they explained how EMI decodes the digital signal, reduces the contrast, makes the whites darker and blacks lighter, then re-encodes it, do you have a timestamp?
And I am not surprised if the dead and resurrected maplin is selling an analogue audio cable which isn't great.
Doesn't work that way.
Twisting only minimizes how much that part of the wiring sends and receives EMI.
It doesn't filter EMI which has been already induced into wires.
Are you a very bad cable salesman? In both senses.
I'm still of exactly the same view that you've not demonstrated anything.
Come to that, your favoured audio suppliers have not demonstrated anything either. EVER.
Why is the burden of proof on other people to demonstrate what you or the cable makers are implying.
You've been dodging a blind test made from the material you presented like I'm offering you a dead rat. The companies you fawn over would eat that rat rather than answer specific questions with specific answers as to the benefit of what they have done.
Vaguely mumbling about electronic science as if the audience is mentally deficient and the matter is religiously inexplicable is a disgrace.
You've never tried these things, and you don't know what your talking about.
Listen to this pod cast from Direct of Power / Engineering at AudioQuest on how electrical noise effects a DAC, the same issues in mains also effect visual quality.
If we were both standing in same room, I could convince you in 10 minutes by swapping cables. But you don't want to believe so you learn nothing and stay ignorant.
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demand that other people buy cables to try out what you won't prove.
Hotwire did you listen to the Audio Quest pod cast I posted?
Do you think Audio Quest is wrong in what's said?
I'm still of exactly same view that the Russ Andrews power cables and / or Tacima filters improve both audio and picture quality where used, you'll never change my view as i'm seeing the benefits myself when testing.
The only nonsense thing is people who have never tried, arguing with someone who has tried.
Is it an unreasonable request to double check your claims which can be double checked?
In alternate facts news: Trump says he isn't liar and racist.I contacted RA about this, and according to them above is wrong.
"Yes, the benefit of the woven design and why it’s utilized across pretty much everything we do, is its ability to reject RFI already around us. This is because the weave doesn’t represent a known antenna pattern. Secondly, the crisscross nature of the live/neutral wires in a mains cable for example, has a natural cancellation process of high frequency signals already picked up on the mains supply"
I did listen to them but I can't remember the order any more.