Reducing sound carried through wall from TV

20 Feb 2004
Hondon de las Nieves, Spain
Was trying to think of a better, more descriptive title. But failed miserably.

At the moment, we have our tv mounted on the wall. The sound is reasonable enough, but in certain movies a lot of bass is transmitted up the wall into my daughters bedroom above. We watched Die Hard last night, so any explosions would've been really annoying for her.

I've contemplated a soundbar type unit on the tv stand below the tv. I figure this would keep any vibrations off the actual wall, along with projecting the sound forward (i presume the TV speakers are on the rear and use the wall to make the bass sound boomier)

The other though was some kind of sound absorbing panel behind the tv. But wasn't sure how that would affect the sound coming out into the room.

Image here just as an idea


*Note - At this point i don't want speakers either side of the unit, even though it would likely be the best option from a sound quality point of view.
Cheers, i was kind of right then.

Might run this by the wife and see how nicely i can get something to look. I do like how close to the wall the TV is, so bringing it out around 2" wouldn't be ideal and i think i'd always be worried of the glue failing. Would neoprene backed plywood work, with screws through the plywood? I know it wouldn't be fully isolated but presumably it'd be a lot more isolated than it is now.

Wonder if anywhere would let me borrow a soundbar to see how that changed things. The plan eventually is to move my stereo amp over to the tv unit and put speakers either side, but my wife has told me there's no chance it's happening with my current speakers (B&W 602's) so i need to save a decent chunk up for some new speakers!

Other alternative is to wait till our daughter moves out and then not have to worry anymore!
Yeah, most likely. It's an old cottage from 1874 and the floors are very uneven as hell, doubt there's much insulation in there. Maybe it's just my impression but it felt like it was being transmitted through the wall more than anything else.

Good shout on using the tv stand, will dig it out.
Yeah, the TV is nicely level. The unit is wonky due to the concrete subfloor being all over the place. I don't even think one of the legs touches the floor :p
I've got my hifi on the wall to the right of where i took the photo. However my wife has banned my current speakers from going on either side of the tv

One day i might upgrade to some prettier (smaller) ones but for now i'm stuck :(
So recently I’ve been looking at speakers a lot. I’ve found I barely use my stereo and just Bluetooth to my headphones and I t makes me sad.

Tonight, whilst the wife went to bed early I took the opportunity to move everything to where I want it. The speakers are on stands next to the tv unit and sounding reasonable (if looking awful) and one is higher than the other as I’ve got a single spike refusing to budge in one of the stands so I’ve had to stick it on a wooden chopping board.

The amp is another story. It’s almost as if I’d specced it to fit perfectly in my tv unit shelves. There’s around 1cm at the top and either side. This worries me as that means zero air flow and although I won’t be pushing it too hard/long I’m not sure how good that’ll be. At the moment it’s on top of the unit as whilst height and width it’s a tight fit. It’s too deep for the unit and if I decide to keep my stereo over here then I’ll need to cut the back out (which’ll help airflow I guess)

I figure if I leave it like this for a couple days it helps normalise it. Then when I buy new speakers which look better my wife will end up happy.

Also realised there’s no space here for my turntable so will have to buy the Yamaha musiccast one which is wireless (almost typed Wifeless!) a bit of a compromise but I think it’ll be worth it to have speakers we’ll positioned.
As for pics

Where speakers used to be


As you can see here, not ideal placement since they're to the side of the sofa


And now :)


My wife is actually agreeable (not on the current amp placement) and so i've wasted no time by suggesting we nip into Audio-T/Richer Sounds tomorrow to get an idea of what would be classed as too big. She'd still prefer standmount ones i think (as long as i bought nicer stands) but is willing to accept floorstanders.
Aren't you trading one problem for another?

Speakers in general are piddly things in these slim TVs and have very little in the way of bass output. I can understand though that whatever frequencies the TV speakers do put out travels through the walls as vibrations. Having the TV on it's own stand and it's it's own speakers should solve that problem.

As I see it; the problem you are trading the initial problem for, is those stand mount speakers put out much deeper bass than the TVs speakers. While they aren't mounted to the wall like the speakers in the TV are, the deeper bass would just pass through the air and solid matter with ease.

Maybe the bass being heard in the room above is not as bad as what is heard from the TVs speakers when wall mounted?

One thing is for sure, the stand mount speakers sound a lot better than the TVs speakers; so there is that. :D

Makes sense to use them though, if it's better from a hearing less noise in the room above point of view, if you rarely using them solely for music where they were. Would be a shame for them to stay there and gather dust while you buy maybe small speakers or a soundbar to sit on the cabinet.

I have mine either side of my TV on stands. Like you, mine don't get used for much music now; they mainly get used for film and TV, but I did locate them there for dual purpose though. If had placed them somewhere just for music, they'd have probably been just sat gathering dust for a good while now; which as you have said for yours, is sad to see.

To be honest i was probably using the bass through the wall as an excuse to fix things from an audio side of things! We watched Gladiator last night and whilst it was louder than we normally listen to films it felt less boomy and considerably better. The trade off in annoyance upstairs is worth it for the increased experience for us :p It also was probably the first time i've really noticed the benefit of that amp since i bought it over my previous one.

I've also found myself listening to music till late most of the weekend, something i didn't really bother to do and it's amazing the difference that positioning makes. No amount of increased spending can touch it for impact. I mostly listen to acoustic type stuff for 80% of the time so having big volume isn't an issue.

Now onto speaker thoughts.

Gonna tag @lucid in here because he has huge experience of the most of the ranges out there (probably worth a new thread but laziness...)

We went to RS yesterday to get a feel for what my wife is happy with size wise. The salesman clearly saw who was boss and kept pointing out the smallest of the small floorstanders which was annoying as it increased the battle on my hands. He was trying to talk me into those with a small sub to add to the low end. I don't want that. Particularly since i'd have to try and wirelessly connect the sub. Also whilst my wife would prefer standmounts. I'm yet to see a stand which feels stable. My friends have all started having kids and when they come round i have toddlers running around who aren't used to speakers and also i have 2 dogs who run around like idiots!

I think i've established some basic maximum dimensions

Height - 100cm
Width - 25cm
Depth - 30cm

Because of where they are, they'll be fairly close to the wall <10cm. As such anything rear ported is out of the question. It's also pretty much agreed that satin/gloss white is the winner here. Unless the wood finish looks great which they often don't unless you get to a much higher price point. Price is up to around £1k possibly over and i'm very much open to the used market, however given my fairly tight criteria this could be tricky.

I mentioned in another thread i like the look of the Tannoy XT 6F, they're end of line now and can be had around £500. They're quite wide at 27cm though and given my 602's are only 23cm wide, they might look a bit boxy.

I liked the look yesterday of the Kef Q550 so they're going on the demo shortlist. Only concern is they only have 5" drivers and i'd like to get a 6/6.5" one just to help that low end. Also considered the MA Silver 200's. Again only use a 5" drive unitand also the last time i demo'd a paid of MA speakers (Gold range) i found them a bit bright and shrill which felt they'd get tiring. Not sure if the Silvers would also have that.

Also plan on listening to the Fyne F303? I know they get well reviewed for a fairly new brand. Excited to hear those. Could also consider the F501

The Q Accoustic Q3050 were ruled out by the wife. Not entirely sure why given i thought the rounded edges helped them look less boxy but they're out

RS do sell the some wharfdale floorstanders. Think they're the 11.3. Didn't have them in stock but given the curve to the cabinet they could look alright. Anyone heard them?

Ideally something like a B&W 603 would work. There's a local store with an ex demo model in white for £800 Only issue is they're quite deep. Bit given how slim they are i think they could work brilliantly. I like the B&W house sound. The speakers themselves aren't too high, but when on the plinth they do stand a little higher than i'd like. Given i have concrete floors i assume the plinth wouldn't be necessary?

Anything else i should be looking at?

From a dealer point of view. I have a Richer Sounds and Audio T in preston which are easy to get to. Audio Visual Online is in Bacup which isn't too bad and Peter Tyson is around 90mins away so very do-able.
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I didn't realise they did taper? Certainly all the pics i see of them they look square, but having just looked a little more closely it looks like you're right. I have heard that they excel with pretty much every style while is beneficial as there are times i burst out either old school Slipknot or something more electric like Digitalism/Prodigy.

Yeah, the XT6F's come in at 1005 with the plinth which is fine. Do you mean the width? Any chance you could measure the speaker width?
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Oh wow, that's a lot smaller than i was anticipating. Thanks a lot for measuring them for me.

Turns out the B&W 603's were being advertised on behalf of a customer. Have arranged a demo for tonight as i'm in his area playing football anyway. Should hold their value pretty damn well even if i decide to move them on in the future as is my usual way.
Went to check out the B&W 603’s last night.

Very impressive speakers and a huge scale with them. The drums kicking in on Money for Nothing by Dire Straits was incredible. As it was last minute i was restricted to the sellers music which was a lot more 80's than i generally listen to but i found enough to base a reasonable opinion.

It’s a private sale so I’ve let him know I want to check a few others out first before making a decision. I think I’d have bought them there and then but there’s a slightly niggle due to the depth of 34cm. From the side they look pretty bulky and not too sure how my wife would find them.

I suppose will be interesting to see how much is lost from going to a smaller cabinet and whether the compromise is worth it.
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Fyne F303's ruled out now due to the lack of white option. Looks like the F501 could be a good size as it sits just between the Tannoy XT 6F (smaller than i realised) and XT 8F (too big). Although they are pushing the budget slightly at £1200 so they'd have to add a lot more to justify the extra £700 over the smaller Tannoys

Think i'm going to head up to Peter Tyson next weekend and try and hear the F501, XT 6F and the Kef Q750's side by side. They seem to be about the only place to have all 3 in stock.
its what i suggested back in January :)

I've slept since then :p

The Fyne 500 series were just a bit too Tannoy clone like for my liking. Very similar sounding to the XT6 but not offering anything more to justify the hike in price.

Yeah sounds like they were setup by the original Tannoy guys. I think that might be my finding too to be honest. At £499 they're a bargain. If they were still around the £800 mark then it might be a closer test.

EDIT - Also due to the fact the XT 8F's are actually smaller than the quoted size given they all include the plinths. They actually come in at 25cm wide and 29 deep which i feel gives a better feel than the narrow and long B&W's at 20cm wide and 35cm deep. This now has me wondering if i could push the step up and i might see how they look in person in the gloss white.

Have also been looking at the Spendor X2, they are short at 80cm which i would really like. But would like the width/depth to be bigger to compensate for the reduced height and maintain cabinet volume.
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So pretty though.

Sent my wife a picture of the B&W's last night. She said she thought there were too many "circles"

Am also wondering if the CM9's might be an option. Slightly less deep cabinets compared to the 603's. Just a case of trying to find some white on the used market. Doesn't seem like they sold very well.
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Haha i know, it makes finding anything about them nearly impossible as everything points to the old 603 range.

Yeah i've spoken to that dealer about the CM8's. They're quite a bit smaller too at only 25cm deep so could be a good shout. Seems the CM range is more more like the B&W's of old aswell so would presumably give me similar to what i have just "more"
The B&Ws i have are front ported. From what i've seen anything i get that's rear ported can just have the bungs plugged.

Have definitely ruled out the 603's now. They're certainly too deep. Annoyingly the 703's are shallower and would have been a decent size but they're around the £2300 mark.

Yesterday i listened to some Dynaudio Emit M30's which i was a fan of. Not sure i've heard a soundstage like them. Was all set to go ahead until i sent my wife a picture and she doesn't like the grille holders. This means magnetic grilles are now a must (she also doesn't like grilles on)

Given that this is quite a modern thing (magnetic grilles).

Unfortunately one of my biggest flaws is i'm incredibly impatient and given i can't currently listen to music properly i just want to get something sorted rather than wait for the perfect speaker to pop up on the second hand market.

As such i think I'm going to give the cheap Tannoys that Peter Tyson is selling a listen at the weekend. And either go with those or if i'm not a fan pick up the B&W CM8's (happy to buy them blind given i know i like the B&W sound. I shouldn't lose too much on either so they can tide me over. Then in 12 months if i feel i need more i should then be in a position to spend more on something and feel less rushed into it. I heard a set of the new Dynaudio Evoke range in Copenhagen and they were excellent and very small and compact. Sadly they're also brand new and likely to be around £2500 but in 12 months i may be able to pick them up for under £2k.
Yeah, think i agree. The only niggly is that they get great reviews online yet every dealer i've spoken to has pretty much dismissed them (including dealers who sell them). Maybe not helped by my budget having gone up to around £1500 and these only being £500
Winner. Looks like Pro-Ject do a Bluetooth turntable which is cheaper than the Yamaha. They also do a Bluetooth phono stage which i could use with my existing turntable which would save me a few hundred (and explain why a new turntable had appeared)
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