Refusal to buy games because its not on steam

I buy where ever is cheapest and try to keep Steam as my main library. I like Origin though and uPlay back when I used it was meh, more like a "hey me too!" than a well thought out platform.

I've never not bought a game because it wasn't on Steam though.
I have installed Steam, Origin, GOG Client, Uplay and have zero issues or problems with running games :-/

EDIT: Surely competition is a good things for the consumer?

Rayman Origins for $1 worth installing Uplay surely?
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It doesn't bother me that but, it's annoying yes but it won't stop me buying them. Having Uplay, Origin, GOG, Steam, and whatever else there is, is a pain.
I have steam, battlenet, origin, uplay and gog. GOG is quite nice and Steam is Steam. Origin and Uplay are quite poor but battlenet is fine.

I wouldn't not buy a game because of it's associated client though I would much rather use GOG or Steam.

Plus Far Cry Primal doesn't appeal to me. Never got into 4 but absolutely loved 3.
I tend to agree with others that you miss out on too many great games if you only buy want games that are on Steam. And even if you buy from Steam that game is going to force UPlay on you anyway. Fragmentation of games over different clients is only likely to get worse.
It is the way things are going, the Microsoft Store will be the next sole purchase point. I suspect you will all have to live with them.

Having said that I wouldn't buy a console just for one game.

Primal is on Steam?
I don't care that it sideloads (As I like to call it) Uplay.

If it was Uplay only, then I'd rather not buy it. I have nothing bought on Uplay, it's only ever on my machine when a game uses it.
Origin I can live with to an extent.
I too pay extra for glorified uPlay shortcuts. :/

Would sooner be tied to no platforms, but when that's not an option the fewer/most convenient the better even if you're just launching another client.

If uPlay and Origin want to compete they need to get more on there (Steam's dominance is not our fault), start cross-platform support, and sort their clients out (Steam isn't great, but it's not so clunky). Valve seem to be really greedy and aren't addressing a lot of discontent; but since they're a private company making a lot of money I have more faith in Steam's longevity and stability.

GOG are great, but there's very little on there, game updates are slow>nonexistent, and Galaxy is far from finished. So I only use them for games they've brought up to date/to life.
I have never been able to get Uplay to run at all lol

Why are you laughing if there's obviously something wrong with your sytsem?

Primal is on Steam?
I don't care that it sideloads (As I like to call it) Uplay.

If it was Uplay only, then I'd rather not buy it. I have nothing bought on Uplay, it's only ever on my machine when a game uses it.
Origin I can live with to an extent.

I think I only have it for Far Cry 3 that I picked up for £3 or so in the last big Steam sale. But I'm of the same mind as you, I don't mind it at all.
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Agree with Martini. I know it shouldn't matter, but if if it's a Steam key that loads uPlay I'm fine with that. If it's a uPlay code, no chance.

Steam auto-opens with my PC, keeps everything up to date and organised etc. When I had a game that was uPlay only (Watchdogs), I'd open it, then it would need an update and I'd never get to play.
Yep, it has to be something special for me to buy outside of steam.
Stream it's only in one place, one login. Won't lose them or anything else.

Even ones I've purchased outside if steam were in development and eventually got transferred to steam.
I'd rather buy games that require no client whatsoever, Steam is the best of a bad bunch.

And Steam charges ridiculous prices for new games which are cheaper to buy on disk or on key websites.

This, and while I do use steam I would never use Uplay again!
So far, I've never really been tested. But game fragmentation is a bad thing. PC is the platform, not Uplay/Steam/Origin etc (Imo) so I don't want everything spread. But Valve have been the only one to offer the experience I want with my catalogue.

I know with Windows Store, I'm decided on not buying the exclusive games to it, but that's because there's more than just "another storefront" factor.
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Nope, if I want a game, i'll buy it wherever's cheapest - Origin, U-Play, GOG or Steam doesn't really matter to me.

I understand your viewpoint, as a lot of the publisher specific clients are a load of tat. The only way this will ever change is if customers vote with their wallets - if sales suffer, i'm sure they'll release it on other clients.

Then again, why not give them a shot? U-Play and Origin have vastly improved (still no-where near as good as Steam, mind) in functionality and stability since their early days, and the only way the clients will get better is through community feedback. Steam was the same - many of the functions we take for granted were community led ideas.
I won't buy any game that requires Origin, UPlay, or R*SC. I don't like having pointless DRM clients forced on me so that my details can be sold on for extra money.

Steam I am willing to overlook as it's very well made, with excellent sales and decently unintrusive. But I don't like and will never like how it's forced onto people.

To be fair, I find it easier to avoid Origin than UPlay or R*SC. I do want to try Watchdogs and GTA V but as far as EA goes, it's been a long time since they've released something that isn't a nasty pile of old crap riddled with microtransactions and bugs so I can safely just ignore them.
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