but my car doesnt use much less fuel at 70 than it does at 80. you use the most fuel under acceleration, so i fail to see how that would make much of a difference... when was that changed? im interested, id never heard about that before.
Originally posted by Matteh
but my car doesnt use much less fuel at 70 than it does at 80. you use the most fuel under acceleration, so i fail to see how that would make much of a difference... when was that changed? im interested, id never heard about that before.
Originally posted by Dogbreath
A modern car at 90mph, (assuming it weighs 50% more than the Anglia, conservative estimate) will have 330% more energy to get rid of than the Anglia at 60mph. Irrespective of crumple zones and airbags, a 90mph collision is very unlikely to be survivable. On balance I think I'd take the Anglia (assuming it's in good condtion), although neither of these scenario's is likely to be good for your health.
What is more likely to get you killed - crashing at 60mph in a Ford Anglia - 10mph below the limit set years ago, or crashing at 90mph in a modern car with airbags etc?