Originally posted by Mr Blonde
My brother got stopped on the M3 not so long back doing 139mph in his Boxster-S......he got off scot free!
He was stopped by two coppers in one of those persuit Omegas. One minute he said the road was totally clear in front and behind and the next they were flashing him in his mirror. He pulled over and was just honest with them. They asked him why he was doing that speed to which he said that as the road was totally clear he just for once wanted to see what his car was like at that speed. They asked if he'd loose his job because he couldn't drive and he said yes. A few other questions but just it straight with no BS. They must have had a long day as they didn't even caution him. The last thing he said to them was that he wouldn't be doing it again.....he hasn't.
m8 ur bro got lucky then...my bro more or less had the same thing happen to him in his audi tt the other nite....but they really grilled him..he wasnt speeding or anything as i was with him but the stupid and pathetic questions they asked him were unbelievable to say the least...asking him if the car was his even tho they did their checks etc.....asked him if he had been drinking etc...my bro dont drink for a start...lol...
but my bro didnt let it get to him..just gave them the info they needed and he was off...not only that hes been pulled over 5 times last week...

hate to imagine how many times im gonna get stopped for drivin my m3 around...lol..
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