Stronger security on domestic flight? In the UK? We still have one of the weakest in the world for such a major country.
Spain and Germany for instance are much more strict.
I can vouch for Germany, some 9 or 10 years back I was visiting my son and his family at their home in Bielefeld.
My daughter-in-law drove me to Dortmund airport to fly back to Stansted, I checked in, went through passport etc., and bought a bottle of weinbrand in the Duty Free then waited in the departure lounge, and waited, and waited.
Finally about 21.00 hrs. we were told that the flight had been cancelled and that we’d be taken to a hotel and brought back the next morning, naturally I took my Duty Free with me.
The next morning we had to clear security again, and there was consternation about my bottle of weinbrand.
Everyone spoke perfect English so I explained about the previous night’s cancellation, no dice, it had to put in a box which Air Berlin supplied, then put into the hold for me to take off the carousel at Stansted, which was a minor annoyance, as I had only hand luggage and had expected to gallop down to the Stansted Express train to Liverpool Street within 10-15 minutes of disembarking.
As for 9/11, my wife and I were in a rented vacation house in Florida, having flown in from Atlanta on the Sunday before Tuesday the 11th of September.
We were having coffee and bagels in the kitchen when my wife said, “Hey Jean, check out this movie.”
I looked at the screen, the TV was muted, and said, “Do you see that word, VIVO, at the bottom of the screen?”
When she agreed, I said, “That means live, it’s still on that Spanish station that you watched that film on last night.”
We switched to CNN, turned on the sound, and that’s how we found out about the WTC.
Fortunately we were there for three weeks, but flights resumed pretty soon after the incident, so our flights home to London via Atlanta were okay.