Require help with proper fan hub management

29 May 2020
Hi !
I'm about to do my first build and as I intend to do some real overclocking, I made sure I got enough airflow in my case. I have 7 BeQuiet! Case Fan SilentWings 3 120mm PWM HighSpeed - BL070 fans and the two 140 mm fans of my CPU cooler : ZALMAN CNPS20X. My motherboard is the ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero (wifi).

This is the breakdown of the Mobo for all-fan related stuff :
1 x CPU Fan connector(s)
1 x CPU OPT Fan connector(s)
3 x Chassis Fan connector(s)
1 x AIO_PUMP connector
1 x H_AMP fan connector
1 x W_PUMP+ connector

Now I know plugging in that many fans is a tricky one. Is it correct I shouldn't go higher than 1 A ?
I guess I need some sort of PWM fan hub (or more than one). Also wanted to add that I don't need anything RGB related hubs if that can make a difference.
What would be the correct setup and where do I have to plug the hub into ?
Thanks for your help...
Thx for the reply, which made me aware of a typo in my first post. I actually meant where do I have to plug in the fan hub in the motherboard, not the case (the latter BTW being the Lian-Li O11 dynamic XL). Thanks for any help concerning choice of fan hub(s) and proper plugging (CPU fan connector, CPU OPT fan connector, Chassis fan connector ???).
Thanks for the reply. So basically I could hook up all the 7 bequiet! fans in let's say a Commander FP hub that I plug in the CPU fan header. Then what should I do with the CPU fans ? Use a Two-way PWM splitter cables and hook them up in the Commander FP hub too ? (Won't that create an Ampere overload?). Or could I plug them in the CPU OPT Fan connector ? (What's this anyway ? Optional ? Optical?).
Alternatively, would this hub do the job too : DEEPCOOL FH-10 Integrated Fan Hub ?
Thanks. I understood there was a difference for being able to control PWM fan speeds if I were to use either the CPU ones or the Chassis ones. Is that correct ? What's the difference ? Could I plug the CPU fans with a splitter in the CPU_OPT header (what does this stand for anyway?).
Any thoughts (pro or con) related to the other hub I found ?
thanks again for ur feedback ! As a matter of fact the BLO70 is a part of the SilentWings, not a different set of fans. So ok, I'll go with the hub you suggested.
Last little question : I had already bought a pack of two Noctua NA-SYC1 4-pin Y-cables, but they're a bit short honestly. So wanted to know what fan extender cable you would suggest to have some more leverage inside the case.
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Be careful about using too many fans and ending up with what I call air blow instead of air flow.
Thanks for the breakdown. Well, seems to be a tricky business after all, as I said. Basically, what I had in mind is to have a vertical setup with 3 120mm intake fans on the bottom and the same on the top for exhaust, adding one exhaust fan to the mix at the back. I also intend to have a vertical GPU setup with a PCIE extender cable, so as not to concentrate too much hot air between the CPU and GPU, allowing it to diffuse a bit better in the case (The dynamic XL is quite a large case). Hope it'll work out all right this way...
I would use 3x in right side and 1x bottom intakes, remove all PCIe back slot covers to increase rear vent area for better front to back flow
Wow! That sounds rather radical (albeit logical...). So how can I deal with a all my PCIE hardware ? Sounds like I'm gonna have to have extenders all over the case in this scenario ... One of the reasons for the vertical GPU mount was precisely to enable some lateral exhaust from the back before hitting the CPU. Forgot to mention that I intend to use a GPU cooler (the Morpheus II, which has good reviews) in order to reduce GPU (Vega 64) heat output.
How about doing the opposite ? I mean using the back and bottom for air intake (4 120mm in all) and exhaust in front thru 3 120mm ? Have to check whether this is doable with the Dynamic XL.
As to the Zalman, yea, I doubted between this and the king of the hill Noctua one, but Zalman got slightly better temps (not much, like 1 or 2°C) and just wanted to give it a shot. Will update on how that went.
For those willing to wait out a bit, I'd recommend the IceGiant ProSiphon Elite, which seems one of a kind of a cooler. Initially scheduled for release this month (May) it's being pushed back to September. They will have an aluminium edition first, but will improve on the design with a copper edition in 4Q. If I were to change my Zalman, it'd be for this one for sure...
Please define 'all my PCIe hardware'.
Well, 1x wifi/bt module and 2x 4usb port adapters.

But looking again at the case on the product page, I see that a horizontal airflow won't be working, as there is no way to mount fans on the front panel. On the other hand, it is possible to fix them on the lateral panel. Now I'm also not sure whether I have to remove all the PCIe back slot covers in order to be able to vertical mount my GPU (?). Anyway, basically these are the options for fan placement : (all are 120 mm except the CPU fans) : 1 rear, 3 bottom, 3 top and 3 lateral. In such a scenario, what would be the best fan intake and exhaust placement ? Would it better to opt for lateral intake and bottom (and rear) exhaust or top intake and bottom exhaust (both would reduce amount of hot CPU air blowing towards the GPU)? I'm just wondering though whether in such a scenario the hot air that's exhausted from the bottom once out of the case won't whirl up again for the intake lol... Thanks for any further suggestions for proper placement.
Thanks for ur thoughts on the pro siphon. Puts things in perspective.
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Indeed, mount intakes over vents in right panel near front of case.
thx for the feedback. Just a question that's jargon related I guess. What's the meaning of 'mount intakes over vents' ?
In case I would replace the whole back, how am I supposed to arrange my PCIE devices ? I guess with extenders leaving them dangling inside the case ?
I recall having seen somewhere on YT some test with airflow setup on this case. Will try to find it back and will post the link if I do...
so if I want to leave the back as it is (only 1 fan), what would be the best intake-exhaust scheme knowing that the play field is a top-bottom-lateral one with the cooled vertical GPU? Logically speaking, cold air is best served from bottom no ? If you'd agree on that, that'd leave either the top or the lateral side for exhaust ? The back side could be either intake or exhaust.
But as you stated, bottom and top plate are partially obstructed by the metal mesh layout (and filters : but those could be taken out ?) so this will hinder air intake. I believe the lat panel is the one with the most clearance (would this be an argument for intake or exhaust?). The same goes of course for the back fan too...
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End point here is using both intake and exhaust fans does not improve case airflow if case has enough exhaust vents
ok, so I'm not using any kind of radiator or ventilator, just the fans. I did get PWM ones so as not having to have them spin at max speed all the time, so db wise this should be ok.
Sorry if I don't get everything straight here, I'm really doing my first build... In my scenario, I still need to have to install my fans for intake and exhaust right ? So let's say I'm willing to use the 7 fans, would there be a difference in temps if intake were either on the bottom, top or lateral ?
ok posting an image of suggested setup. As I said, I shan't be using radiators at all, so only problem I'll have will be with intake vent grills on the bottom I guess. 4 fan intake (one on back, three on bottom) and 3 exhaust (lateral pane). The rationale being that :
- bottom gives fresh(er) air
- the back intake goes straight into the CPU cooler (I guess Zalman is fixed on Mobo in such a way that fans are vertical so they can benefit from the direct airstream intake from the back and push it to the lateral exhaust).
- putting the exhaust at the lateral side and not on top helps not blowing the GPU hot air towards the CPU, I hope it kinda swirls underneath the CPU and will be sucked out thru the exhaust before it does).
Does this make sense ?
Here's the pic:
(unable to embed for some reason...)
So if I understand correctly, I'll just be having 3 intake fans and that's it ? Won't that just make the air (heat up and) spin in circles inside the case ?
As I said, the Zalman does come with two fans integrated, so I suppose they're necessary..
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ok, this time I really read thru the stuff in detail.
I believe there was first of all a misunderstanding in terminology :

We can't move more water into the van (case) through an open window (vent) unless we have another open window (vent) somewhere else in the van (case) moving the same amount of water (air) out through a window on other side of van (case).

I had taken the word 'vent' in the technical sense of ventilator (some sort of equivalent to fan, so I wasn't really seeing what you were talking about). So basically, here it's a generic term in the sense of 'aperture', 'opening' (or window in your simile). That explains the meaning in #26...

Ok, so that clears a lot up for me.
The question I still have though (and that you also bring up in #2) is the fact that the 'vents' aren't necessarily of the same quality, i.e. the bottom, rear, and top plates having restrictive grills (and the top and bottom one having dust filters too). I believe the lateral side has less limitations in this regard.

So basically, what you're proposing is not a push-pull config, but rather a push-evaporate scheme, i.e. letting the air passively evaporate, exit the case thru the available apertures (I guess the grids). Is that correct ?

In my scenario, I would agree then to have 3 lateral intakes. But I do wonder whether the passive evaporating will be sufficient precisely because of the grid-dust filter obstacles.
I would incline to adding 'some' active exhaust in the form of a single 120 mm fan at the rear and to orientate the blow of the CPU fans in that direction. That would take out the major source of heat production in an active manner, letting the rest evaporate passively thru the other case apertures.

Hope I'm being a better student this time !
Sorry, I don't understand "push-evaporate scheme, i.e. letting the air passively evaporate"
Was just my way of saying to simply let out the air that had been pushed in actively by the fans.
In my case, wouldn't it be beneficial to have a single exhaust fan at the back just opposite to the CPU cooler ? That way the Zalman would blow the hot air directly to the outlet, instead of having the hot air being "let out" by itself (probably by the top where it could still heat up the CPU a bit before it gets thru the grill and dust filter) ?

No problems with your nose :D. But I'm coming from OOB Macintosh land, where all the technical thinking and tinkering has been done for us ! As I said, this really is a first time build, so it's a journey full of discoveries ;)
Stil one thingy my stubborn preconceived ideas about airflow (that come from the Web :D) fail to grasp is how the fact that the exit airflow being partially obstructed by case grids and dust filters (and thus slowing down the exit ?) :
- doesn't imply that the hot air will stack up at least a while above or around the CPU before the same volume of air that got in 'unimpeded' will be able to passively exit (unless the continuous addition of colder air will somewhat lower the temps of that stacked hot air before it exits ?)
- it wouldn't help the speed of exiting the hot air by actively pulling it out thru a fan (sounds like a boo-boo word by now) like in the back of the case, especially when it sits in front of the CPU fans that come with the cooler...
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