Require help with proper fan hub management

Hi again. I think I get the idea of equal quantitative air displacement.
My question related to the unequal speeds of the intake and the outlet and its consequences on heat. If I follow your reasoning correctly, there couldn't be more air coming in than coming out. Follows from this that the next batch of fresh air won't be able to enter the case (even though being actively pushed by the fans) unless the previous batch has left. Is that correct ? So what happens when the speed of fresh air forcibly pushed in the case is different than the outlet capacities of the vents? I'm not talking about superior or inferior vent surface (and you do hint to the fact that the total surface area of exit vents may be bigger than the intake ones), but about the difference in speed of the former to effectively be able to let the air out (precisely because of the grids and dust shields that are obstacles and in fact reduce the capacities of equal speed unimpeded outlet).
At least this should in some way create some bigger air pressure inside the case, no (even if it's minimal) ?
Anyway, what are the consequences inside the case for de facto different speed ratios of air coming in and coming out ? Again, the air is being actively pushed in and passively exiting. It doesn't seem to be a simple case of communicating vessels to me (but I'm not a physician)...
A fancy front grill with filter restricts about 70-80% of air same fan would flow with no grill or filter.
Yea, that was the point I was trying to make. The top vents in my case are falling in the latter case I guess, and the fan grill at the back really isn't optimized for airflow (I believe the dynamic xl was primarily conceived as a water-cooling case...).
I could have course remove the top filter. That wouldn't encourage dust to creep in too much right (especially as it's used for the main air exit...) ?
It would mean though that the hot air (albeit mixed with the incoming fresh air) would whirl around in the case for like 3-4 secs I'd say before being pushed out completely.
This is also the reason why I was thinking that maybe an active sucking fan on the back might speed up the process a bit. Wouldn't that be the case ?
ok thanks for all the feedback ! It's surely more of a challenge than I had imagined for sure...
Waiting for the latest pieces to arrive and might post a thread for helping me building it the right way...:D
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