Resident Evil 1 HD (early 2015 gamecube 2002 remake)

I don't think they'll remake Resident Evil 2 and 3 like they did with Resident Evil. It requires new art etc (obviously I guess). Least that's my two cents, no matter how much I'd like them to do it! :(
Exactly what I wanted to say :D

RE1-3 are some of my fondest gaming memories. RE3 is still today a very hard game on its normal difficulty too.

First time I played RE3 I thought I could just do the old Resident Evil trick of retreating into another room, so imagine my surprise when the zombies proceeded to follow me into the next area. :D
First time I played RE3 I thought I could just do the old Resident Evil trick of retreating into another room, so imagine my surprise when the zombies proceeded to follow me into the next area. :D

Haha yeah. I got absolutely torn assunder by the nemesis about half way through the city on normal though (maybe 3rd or 4th time you see him). Didn't have enough ammo to fight him and not enough health to survive enough hits to just run lol. Such a hard game, but also extremely satisfying when you do it right. Absolutely loved it.
This could be brilliant if done right!

Could be a gateway for RE 2/3 to be remade

But my most preferred outcome ( that i see very unlikely )

The un released resident evil 1.5 ( it was production of Re2 but they changed there minds and didn't release it )

I would love to play a full version of that and not these modern day flying an gunship blowing up a battleship pure action resident evils... because they suck

I want survival horror back!
as stated, should do like Kojima did with MGS games and make a HD collection of the earlier games, i.e. 1-3 :D

loved playing/watching my mate play through this when it came out on the ps1, so young, so many memories.... and that first damn zombie face/eyes when he turns back to look at you....fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..................................... xD

hope they keep in the terrible acting though :D one of the things that made the game!

Stop! Don't open! That door! *delayed hand gestures*

NOoooooooooooooooooooooooooo......don't gooooooooooooooooo!

You were almost a Jibble sandwich,

what is it? what....what is it? it's blood!
I'd love to see a Resident Evil 2 remake but I can't see it happening.

This project (Resident Evil 1 HD) won't be a huge undertaking because they are basically altering an existing Gamecube game, so all the assets are there it just needs a resolution boost and some tinkering to get it to play on modern machines and tweak the camera etc.

Resident Evil 2 was a Playstation title, it would need to be built from the ground up as you wouldn't just be able to 'HD Remaster' it, so it would be a big project.

If RE1 HD sells well, you're more likely to see Resident Evil: Zero HD...That's very similar to RE1 on Gamecube.
I'd love to see a Resident Evil 2 remake but I can't see it happening.

This project (Resident Evil 1 HD) won't be a huge undertaking because they are basically altering an existing Gamecube game, so all the assets are there it just needs a resolution boost and some tinkering to get it to play on modern machines and tweak the camera etc.

Resident Evil 2 was a Playstation title, it would need to be built from the ground up as you wouldn't just be able to 'HD Remaster' it, so it would be a big project.

If RE1 HD sells well, you're more likely to see Resident Evil: Zero HD...That's very similar to RE1 on Gamecube.

Even if it's a big project, do you not think proper remakes of 2 and 3 would probably be more commercially successful than the nonsense that 5 and 6 were? I know I'm not alone in saying that I'd prefer to play through those stories again in completely new graphics on the latest hardware than another disappointing action game with the Resi brand slapped on.
I am still actually waiting for resident evil 4 to get the magical £5 sweet spot on steam before I pick it up. I picked up resi 6 at launch price and got burnt. It felt like a chore completing that game. Felt nothing like resident evil to me, just same characters and that's it. Revelations was much better, but still a bit disappointing. Did not enjoy using that scanner all the time.

Give me back normal zombies and a mansion damn it!
Resi Evil 1 / 2 and possibly even 3 were fantastic. I haven't really liked the rest because they moved so far away from the initial formula.

Resi Evil 1 with essentially redone graphics, CGI, sounds, etc. and made compatible with modern hardware sounds fantastic to me.

Would love to see MGS 1 as well (before that became the mess that it currently is!

Give me back normal zombies and a mansion damn it!

this! so many zombie game snow have crazy ass zombies!

ok granted the prospect of zombies like in 28days later makes me need a fresh pair of boxers :p

but those RE1 zombies were great! sure they were slow.... but with the corridors and camera angles it really felt claustrophobic and they were in your face! it's the subtlety/tension of it that builds the atmosphere.... any one can whack fast moving monsters in a game... but then it just becomes panic rather than fear, but hearing that zombie slowly creeping around that corner... not exactly sure whether you'll have enough room to run past....or just chest bump the zombie the moment the camera changes.. now that's more "scary" in my book :)

also m4cc45, MGS1 has already been released for the pc ;) well.. it was agessssss ago! graphics were quite an improvement* over the ps1 release.

*I quite like the retroness of the jagged graphics of MGS1. Meryls pointy bewbs :p
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The story and characters in Zero are a bit dull, but can't fault Code Veronica.

Can't say I've ever played a RE game for it's story :p. I agree about the characters though but it still offers a great atmosphere and the player switching and item dropping adds a nice new element to the game without messing with the core gameplay.
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