Resident Evil 1 HD (early 2015 gamecube 2002 remake)

Can't say I've ever played a RE game for it's story :p. I agree about the characters though but it still offers a great atmosphere and the player switching and item dropping adds a nice new element to the game without messing with the core gameplay.

whattt? I loved the story :D so much so I've read some of the novels ;) (not the film adaptations!) fills in some of the gaps between the games nicely :D

It's just bringing a game that was only released on a old console that didn't sell nearly as well as it deserved to to the latest generation of hardware. Capcom would be idiots not to.

yeah, i don't see a problem with it, so many have been asking Capcom to go back to the origins of this franchise. and thats exactly what were getting.
Wouldn't get too excited tbh, they are basically giving us a HD port of Resident Evil Rebirth from the Gamecube, I highly doubt that they will give 2 and 3 proper remakes. I hope they do, but I think this is just going to be another Resident Evil 4 job.
Wouldn't get too excited tbh, they are basically giving us a HD port of Resident Evil Rebirth from the Gamecube, I highly doubt that they will give 2 and 3 proper remakes. I hope they do, but I think this is just going to be another Resident Evil 4 job.

Its not just a HD port its new textures and sound... It will be almost a new game.
how did i miss the bit about the gamecube :\ not played that version..... not sure of the differences but I'm sure there are some ....capcom..... don't blow this!
I remember being blown away by the graphics when this came out. Think it had the most realistic boob jiggle as well.
I hated RE5 and 6 with a passion and personally I'm glad that Capcom think there is still a market for the games with the traditional Resident Evil style of play.
I just hate myself for knowing that I'll still buy 5 and 6 in the next few sales! Found an old GC I had no idea about so may rebuild my RE collection in the meantime!
Re6 was the only game is this series that I have only played the one time, it really was a chore, I played all the others to death. looking forward to this, I wonder at what price this will be?
I'll be getting this. Probably a rare pre order if there's a half decent deal somewhere. I'd be happy if they just got 2 (and 3) up and running in steam "as is" just with support for modern pc's.
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