I noticed in the capcom sale that the racoon city bundle (Resi 2 and 3 remake with a multiplayer resi also) is only £12. I think I will try these out it would be rude not to at that price. I might even go all in and get Village too as that's heavily discounted.
I bought all three, owned them on PC (only base Village though) already but wanted to play them again on a big oled and a comfy sofa.
RE2 is great, played through it a couple of times already, RE3 is a bad remake but you'll still have fun with it as it's good in its own right.
The bundle is absolutely worth it at this price, a no-brainer.
Village is a bad RE game and hardly a survival horror with some pretty low points overall but I'd still play it because it can be entertaining if you turn off your brain.
Then again, RE4 is also a bad RE game but I love it, didn't love Village all that much for whatever reason, maybe because I had played 7 just before it and that's an actual survival horror