Resident Evil 4 Remake

I noticed in the capcom sale that the racoon city bundle (Resi 2 and 3 remake with a multiplayer resi also) is only £12. I think I will try these out it would be rude not to at that price. I might even go all in and get Village too as that's heavily discounted.

I bought all three, owned them on PC (only base Village though) already but wanted to play them again on a big oled and a comfy sofa.

RE2 is great, played through it a couple of times already, RE3 is a bad remake but you'll still have fun with it as it's good in its own right.

The bundle is absolutely worth it at this price, a no-brainer.

Village is a bad RE game and hardly a survival horror with some pretty low points overall but I'd still play it because it can be entertaining if you turn off your brain.

Then again, RE4 is also a bad RE game but I love it, didn't love Village all that much for whatever reason, maybe because I had played 7 just before it and that's an actual survival horror:P
I've dived in this morning having bought re2 and 3 remakes in the bundle and Gold Village.

I've started 2 and played about 4 hours so far. I'm really enjoying it, I really like the Ray tracing option getting 40fps. I normally always opt for 60fps performance but I'm finding the 40fps with rt enabled perfectly fine.
I've dived in this morning having bought re2 and 3 remakes in the bundle and Gold Village.

I've started 2 and played about 4 hours so far. I'm really enjoying it, I really like the Ray tracing option getting 40fps. I normally always opt for 60fps performance but I'm finding the 40fps with rt enabled perfectly fine.
Thought you meant dived into 4, thinking how have you got it so early lol.
I've dived in this morning having bought re2 and 3 remakes in the bundle and Gold Village.

I've started 2 and played about 4 hours so far. I'm really enjoying it, I really like the Ray tracing option getting 40fps. I normally always opt for 60fps performance but I'm finding the 40fps with rt enabled perfectly fine.

I'm also a 60fps or bust guy but I find 40fps through 120hz mode surprisingly playable in many games, especially if it's implemented like in Spiderman. In Hogwarts Legacy, for example, 40fps mode has better frame pacing than the 60fps mode so I also opted for that.

I think RE2 doesn't have a proper 40fps mode so I went for 60fps as knife damage is tied to the framerate:D
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Just finished 3 really enjoyed it. It gets some stick but I thought it was decent.

It was decent and enjoyable on its own. It's just that it could've been great, even better than 2, with more stalking Nemesis segments that worked like in the original game and an expanded choice and more developed areas that would turn the game into a mini-sandbox in Raccoon City.

What did they do instead? Reduced Nemesis to a few scripted sequences and one short stalking section, scrapped choices completely and removed entire areas of the game, even the city section is tiny and very one-dimensional when it comes to exploration, or lack thereof actually.
RE3 remake was definitely RE3 lite but I enjoyed it. It’s short, but it has replayability for trophy/achievement hunting.
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Xbox - cdkeys
PS5 - PSN via cheaper shop codes bought from elsewhere

Physical: No idea, I dont tend to buy physical :)

I bought off PSN as I have PSVR2 so looking forward to that added dimension (when it comes out).
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Received my disc version today, never get things early! Can you start playing before release, or is there a region lock until midnight or something?
Played for a few hours and it’s pretty impressive. From what I can see so far it’s pretty impressive how they have kept the original feel of the game but totally updated the graphics and gameplay. Loving it so far.
Played for a few hours and it’s pretty impressive. From what I can see so far it’s pretty impressive how they have kept the original feel of the game but totally updated the graphics and gameplay. Loving it so far.
It’s really fun! Helps that I’ve completely forgotten the original, having not played it since it first came out on GameCube :)
I have played it through a silly amount of times so it’s hard not to remember the whole story even with my terrible memory. That said there is a decent amount of changes to freshen the game up. Loving it.
Sounds good. Never played 4 originally. Loved the previous 3 mainline games though.

Think I may buy this. Is the weapon selection good ? Or limited to a pistol and a shotgun/g.launcher etc like previous games?
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so far after about 4 hours of play.

Start with Pistol and Knife, shotgun pretty early, sniper rifle at first merchant and bolt gun at second. I have also found 2 different pistols.
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