RE6 is not going to come out in 2012 its most likely a March-April 2013 release.
Capcom have only just started on this its pointless speculating nothing will be public for months as its a complex co-op based game & 30-40% larger than RE5 so will take them ages & its Capcom Japan developing so they like to polish the game which means no quick port. As GFWL is not going to be around anymore this makes it a problem as MS Japan were always helpful & fluent in japanese so not sure what Capcom will do about that it could even be a Windows 8 exclusive if MS want to pay for that & use Xbox LIVE For Windows.
But PS3 owners who got this a few weeks ago are saying its a lot poorer than RE5 so I would not expect much
& RE5 is a hard act to follow.