Resigned from the mod team

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Pudney@work said:
Aargh, your avatar looks wrong now Gilly..... :eek:

I can only echo this, though this does give me a strange sense of deja vu. The forums just will not be the same - I for one will miss you (even if no one else will :p )

Thanks for all your work in helping the forums + 1

Just hope to keep seeing you around

Not even an under-boss. :eek:

You know Gilly should be an honorary don. Give him back the power, just don't expect him to do any work.... Or would the temptation be too much?

Where would we be without a OCUK conspiracy theory? I'll start one.

Gilly used his l33t dancing moves and powers with the ladies to get a group together powerful and sexy enough to overthrow the OCUK mod team and dazzle OCUK headquarters into giving him full ownership of the OCUK and Esnet Ltd. In a desperate move the other Mods revoked his power and put him in the famous (but not used very often anymore) Dungeon where MYB currently resides. Gilly is now currently being provided with a wealth of factual information about historical events and places which whilst mildly interesting, it is of no use to man nor beast in the long term.

All posts under Gilly's name are actually being done by other members of the mod team to keep the pretence of Gillys existence, and to cover up the plot that was ever so nearly a reality.

/conspiracy theory
Here you go


Otacon commissioned me to prepare a 'We love Gilly' GIF last night to show his appreciation....figure may as well post here :p
Kronologic said:
All posts under Gilly's name are actually being done by other members of the mod team to keep the pretence of Gillys existence, and to cover up the plot that was ever so nearly a reality.
That's been happening for the last 8 months anyway!

Take it easy J1ll3h, it'll take a while to get used to it.

Gilly, one thing that can be said about you is that you did do an excellent job as a mod. Hope you do continue to post, especially in the SA.

Some of the current mods could learn a thing or two from you.
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