Resigned from the mod team

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Nope, I'm sure it will be done in good time, it means the admins having a fiddle about and they will be at work at the moment, they are the only ones with the powers to alter stuff like that.

Expect it do be done later, to those who said April fools gag, I really wish it was :(

I usually read but don't post in these threads, but I'm glad to hear you'll be sticking around. OcUK has many defining members, but I can honestly say that you're the one that would make the place most 'different' without you here.

There have been times when I've thought that some of your replies to other posters were somewhat unnecessary, and groaned when on the few occaisons you've been wrong and you've refused to admit it, but there is something about your persona that is so very English, and I think that this country could do with more like it.

I hope that whatever it is that has been turbulent can be worked through.

There are many members on here that I wouldn't mind meeting in real life, but if I had to chose just one, I'd buy you a pint.

A big thumbs up to the retired avatar idea for all retired Dons. The lack of an admin/don/ub avatar is a choice, but a wise guy avatar is simplly not befitting the impact you've made on this community. MoH at the very least, but retired don would be better.

I always respected the way that you speak your mind and don't suffer fools.
I don't expect that to change but am suprised and probably intrigued with your decision to stand down.
Hope to still see you about on the boards
el_dazza said:
Thanks for all the time you ploughed into keeping these forums clean and spam-free :D

Already you forget Gilly generating spam at a rapid rate! ;)

Fair play to Gilly, if you feel the time has come to step down and enjoy the forums like the rest of rather than suffering the grief of moderating.
I have just figured out why Gilly resigned - think how much lower the server load is going to be now!

Spie sent the boys round to make him resign as a cost-cutting exercise!
DRZ said:
I have just figured out why Gilly resigned - think how much lower the server load is going to be now!

Spie sent the boys round to make him resign as a cost-cutting exercise!

interesting theory...

but now hes not a don hes got more free time to spam it up :p
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