Retro console and games thread

Finally got my 6 switch woody atari working after a mate changed and soldered a capacitor for me. All working great and setup in my gaming room. I then got my harmony sdcard/cartridge working after updating the Eprom and bios to PAL50. Good stuff :)

Reminds me to ask... Any OCUKers got an Eprom burner? Will cover reasonable costs for burning me some roms...
Picked up Freedom fighters for GameCube over the weekend. When this weather sorts it's life out, I'll be able to comfortably enjoy older games in my tiny game room again :)

Heard good things about this one, it's probably aged horribly
I went ahead and bought myself a little present for my birthday...



It's a McWill modded GG. Completely refurbished, all the caps replaced and the McWill led screen.
I went ahead and bought myself a little present for my birthday...

It's a McWill modded GG. Completely refurbished, all the caps replaced and the McWill led screen.

Thats beautiful. I had the caps done on mine but still standard screen. Just cant get used to how small the screen is tho. Especially on games like sonic. You cant see far enough ahead!
My little collection.



I have a decent selection of hobby stuff and toys that I've been taking photos of for insurance purposes.

They all work. The MD is pretty much mint. The SF is really nice and not yellow. The NG is great but the knob is age cracked. PSP is JDM too.

I buy old RC cars from Japan and throw in the odd console. Keep trying to score a mint Dreamcast but keep getting outbid.
Well it was going to happen at some point. You can't be a sad Dreamcast fan without owning this.


It was £35 in Cex which is much cheaper than eBay, and easier to return. Disk are perfect even if the box is not (but still better than my Shenmue 1 box)

The collection now:
(hidden - Ecco the Dolphin, Test Drive LeMans, Headhunter, Tomb Raider Revelations, Planet Ring, Dreamkey v3...)
I went ahead and bought myself a little present for my birthday...

It's a McWill modded GG. Completely refurbished, all the caps replaced and the McWill led screen.

Hey, very nice! I've been tempted to get the lcd kit for mine but it's pretty pricey, maybe some day. :)
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