What are the foods etc that are used to control us? Is there anything we should and shouldn´t concume that would help us to see the reality more clearly? What constitutes "temperance"? - is it moderation in all things or more than that?
See above for the food part.
It is 1 part of the manipulation, it is used in combination with 6 other methods of control in your daily life.
If you can "delete" a few from your life or have less exposure to them, the effect will reduce dramatically, but this is not what will make you more self-conscious.
These methods are used to wear you out, lower your quality of life.
They are interlinked.
The methods are:
1. Food and drinks
2. Medication, "Health care" (include vitamins)
3. Electrical waves (including your PC and cellphone, house electr. network, everything chipped)
4. Media, be it TV-radio-newspapers-magazines-internet (the most obvious method, yet the most enslaving)
5. Music, Sounds (different method than media, used in a different way although most times through the media)
6. Air pollution
7. Education system (including known literature which is mostly corrupt, be it history, psychology, metapsychology, "philosophy", art, science, poetry, religion, even fairy tales told to infants).
Politics takes these methods and bombard you with this every day and make sure they are maintained.
The rule is:
If promoted/praised/applauded/critically acclaimed/free, be very wary.
Be it food, medicines, latest technological product, "artist", politician, musician, book, show, beverage, etc.
Some of these allegedly "stand the test of time", that is orchestrated for a reason.
Problem is if too wary, you could miss a few gems that are deliberately passed on in between the manipulation tools by some.
There are a few other methods (societies/cults/sects, people policing each other, etc) but the above 6 are the core which has been promoted since the French "Revolution".
Temperance: conscious form of restraint based on self-knowing to achieve inner order of the Soul (which is the unseen you as a whole, the Soul is not a part of you, you are one).
Restraining the emotions/desires/passions/energies does not mean cutting it off (that will harm you, beware), but channeling them to work for higher causes after taming them gently.
This all does lead to a sober life, yet simpler, filled with gifts because you fully become your own master, instead of your emotions/desires/passions dictating you how to be.
Simultaneously with this process you will be cleansing yourself and will be ready to be enlightened by the Universal Mind.
Be like that which you want to connect with as much as possible.