White noise.
Avoidance of questions you cannot answer.
Are you an evolutionary biologist? I'm not, and thus, feel I should refer questions regarding such things to somebody competent in that field.
Are you a theologian?, if not, it would seem that by your very argument you are not qualified to have an opinion on Religion. Maybe you should refer questions relating to theology and Religion to those you consider more qualified also. Have you no mind if your own? This is not the first time you have avoided a question by refering to someone elses opinion.
I love this argument. You may find it an unwelcome conclusion that you're descended from apes, or may wish that it wasn't true, but it just is. Sorry. Bertrand Russell said that it's a fundamental dishonesty and fundamental treachery to intellectual integrity to hold a belief because you think it's useful and not because you think it's true.
I see, so because I do not accept that Evolution adequately explains individualism or my sense of 'self' that means I must be a creationist. Get over yourself, you may love the arguement, yet you cannot seem to answer it, instead refering to another's irrelevent quotation.