The irony of the religious when it comes to free will is just stupefying... You ask a believer if they think we have free will, they will more often than not say, "Yes". You then ask them whether they think God gave it to us, they will invariably reply, "Yes".
So we have free will, because the boss insists upon it... Right...
And saying that humans have no free will, when advances evolutionary biology are ever more moving towards that hypothesis being a truthful one is a denial of what makes us human? I'm sorry, but I beg to differ.
I'm not his biggest fan, but let's do a quick check.
Is Dawkins a fascist? No. Is he a member of a National Socialist movement, or something of a similar ilk? No. Is he an anti-Semite? No. Does he show a slight distaste for religion? Yes. Is he a practising Roman Catholic? No. Is Dawkins prepared to commit mass genocide to advance his ideology? No. Does Dawkins wish to force his own ideology onto others? No. Is Dawkins a particularly good speaker? No.
I could go on, but hopefully some sort of point has been made.