That's pretty much why I posed the question in the first place. I would give a similar answer to the one which you posed to me, one of, in the end, uncertainty. I will not say, outright, that I believe it to be true or false (two words that are growing less and less meaningful to me since reading about Quantum Theory) but that I'm leaning towards the idea that, perhaps, 'freewill' is governed by our evolutionary instincts, and such.
Indeed, but why do you think that?, or do you simply accept that Evolutionary Biologist know more than you so must be correct. I do not accept that we are simply the Sum of our Parts, the more I think about energy and the way that energy transforms and the Human Brain's electrical pathways the more I feel that biology is missing something.
Biologists think and examine in a material way, if as you say you have studied some Quantum Physics, you will know that quantum theory doesn't have a strictly material perspective, it plays about with energy, the essence if you will of all matter. I feel that is where evolution may fail in trying to quantify freewill or more accurately Self-aware sentience, I do not think that biological science is equipped to define it in any material way.
Sure, as would I. I'm always fascinated to hear the explanations for such things, that scientific enquiry brings.
The universe is a wonderful, scary, beautiful, ugly place, we would be amiss to think that we, in our respective infancy can quantify and explain all things. Science attempts to, Religion claims to, but at the end of the day who are we to know God? When and if we do, then we would be, by mankind's religious definition anyway, be Gods ourselves.
Maybe my sentient energy will experience that day?
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