US: Rick & Morty

I kinda like it kinda didn't. I guess not all dimensions are the same, but wouldn't the Rick in the dimension they now inhabit that got blown up, have had a phoenix project?
Or at least would he not have downloaded into another version and wanted to come back to his dimension.

Kinda felt like they broke their own lore.

C-137 Rick did have a Phoenix project and then destroyed it after the school vampire episode. TINY RIIIIICK !!!!
He even make a joke about taking his project offline "a couple of seasons ago."
Pretty good Ep4.
(Even though I remember when the season trailer dropped, some people were getting bent out of shape over 'magic being real')

BUT, the amount of beeps in this episode was super distracting.
Can't wait for the blu-ray so I can watch it properly.
Pretty good Ep4.
(Even though I remember when the season trailer dropped, some people were getting bent out of shape over 'magic being real')

BUT, the amount of beeps in this episode was super distracting.
Can't wait for the blu-ray so I can watch it properly.
It's funnier with beeps, tbh.
Beeps can be funny if they're actually written into comedy sometimes, but here they're literally just the TV channel being Big Brother and telling you what you can and cannot hear.
It's not how the show was designed to be heard by the creators.

Still... each to their own I guess.
There's enough room in this crazy old world for beepists and non-beepists :)
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