rickjames the n00b

Cheers dude, much appreciated; will try and get another video from another angle, the way the gym is laid out makes it rather tricky
I feel like they're at different depths because I don't want to go too low, if that makes sense? I can certainly feel like my glutes are being worked, anyway. Is the back fine? I feel like my desire to not over-arch is impending the former like you think it is...

As for barbell row I think my body doesn't feel comfortable in the stance yet, also not 100% sure my elbows are going high enough despite being able to get the bar to my torso without it elevating too much, absolutely kills my knees and hips
Workout A 10/04/19

Squats 2x5 @ 20KG, 5x5 @ 30KG
Bench Press 5x5 @ 25KG
Barbell Row 5x5 @ 35KG

Definitely some iffy form on the squats with my grip on my right wrist, lifts themselves were OK. Will have to take another video.

Barbell rows I'm not sure I'm doing right; whilst keeping my knees bent I'm trying to force the barbell up to the top end of my chest, which I think it putting me off balance as I try to stay in line for it. Again, will put another video up on Monday
Workout A 15/04/19

Squats 2x5 @ 20KG, 5x5 @ 32.5KG
Bench Press 5x5 @ 27.5KG
Barbell Row 5x5 @ 37.5KG

Back on it, felt iffy at first squatting with the knee but came through. Think I know the issue with my right wrist in that I wasn't keeping them straight with my elbows and they're taking the wait; taking a bit of used to and I'm kinda having to roll the back back up at times to keep it straight, but we'll get there.

Barbell Rows did me good.
How did you do that?

Again, cricket ball. Didn't want to risk it and it's still a little sore, but fine now with PRICE.

Back on it today

Workout B 22/04/19

Squats 2x5 @20KG, 5x5 @ 37.5KG
OHP 5x5 @ 27.5KG
Deadlift 1x5 @ 55KG

Still getting this small wrist pain on my right hand, going to watch some form videos and see if it's something I'm doing wrong; I think I'm giving myself enough space and trying to the pressure on my back rather than hands, but it's still giving me some discomfort.

Also another weekly 'I hate OHP'
I've narrowed my grip a little and concentrated on positioning the bar on my shoulders a little more, definitely less painful today

Workout B 26/04/19

Squats 2x5 @20KG, 1x3 @30KG 5x5 @ 42.5KG
OHP 2x5 @ 20KG 5x5 @ 30KG
Deadlift 1x5 @ 60KG

Good to get a whole week in after missing the last two Friday's. Those OHPs honestly felt like I had twice the weight on the bar, they're exhausting. Was taking 5 minute rest periods, even with 3 I'd have struggled; definitely came close to failing it a few times but came out OK, it's 100% likely it's the first one I fail next week
Workout A 29/04/19

Squats 2x5 @ 20KG, 1x3 @ 30KG 5x5 @ 45KG
Bench Press 2x5 @ 20KG, 5x5 @ 32.5KG
Barbell Row 5x5 @ 42.5KG

Don't seem to be getting too much pain with my wrists now on squats. Bench press just felt a bit shoddy, by the time I got to barbell rows I was gassed.
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Workout B 01/05/19

Squats 2x5 @20KG, 1x3 @35KG 5x5 @ 47.5KG
OHP 2x5 @ 20KG 5/5/3/2/2 @ 35KG
Deadlift 1x5 @ 65KG

No shocks on the failure to be honest, part of the game but the progression path for it is just exhausting.
Workout A 03/05/19

Squats 2x5 @ 20KG, 1x3 @ 35KG 5x5 @ 50KG
Bench Press 2x5 @ 20KG, 5x5 @ 35KG
Barbell Row 5x5 @ 45KG

5 weeks down; glad to keep going at it
Workout B 06/05/19

Squats 2x5 @20KG, 1x3 @40KG 5x5 @ 52.5KG
OHP 2x5 @ 20KG 5/4/3/0/0 @ 32.5KG
Deadlift 1x5 @ 60KG, 1x5 @ 70KG

No real surprise on the OHP again; squats is too demanding right now to then even try it with that much weight...
Workout A 08/05/19

Squats 2x5 @ 20KG, 1x3 @ 40KG 5x5 @ 55KG
Bench Press 2x5 @ 20KG, 5x5 @ 37.5KG
Barbell Row 1x5 @ 40KG , 5/5/4/4/4 @ 47.5KG

Worked on my squat form a little more today, specifically not bombing down on my ascent, going too crazy with ass to grass and keeping my chest up; I noticed with the latter it's a thing I also used to do and meant having balance issues. Also realised I PB'd the other day at 50KG, so pleased on that bit.

Was only able to get the barbell up halfway on those last 3 sets for the final rep, so considering it a fail. Not too surprised if I'm honest, after OHP it was the likelier one I was going to run into trouble with; just exhausted by the time you get round to such an intense excercise.
Workout B 10/05/19

Squats 2x5 @20KG, 1x3 @40KG 5x5 @ 57.5KG
OHP 2x5 @ 20KG 4/4/0/0/0 @ 32.5KG
Deadlift 1x5 @ 60KG, 1x5 @ 75KG

Just couldn't get the bar up with those OHP failures; was half expecting it. Time to buy some half/kilo plates!
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