Ride demo

I got a similar error, played it for a few hours tonight and finished the first naked bike campaign and got to about 85 in the rankings now ive just went to continue the next level and it just comes up ive got to delete the data. Shame as ive found it quite adictive
Had another hour or two on this and now it crashes every time I enter a race, tried all the obvious rebuilding database ect then found on google this is very common, another broken game, I love it but cant play it.

Those of you having issues, are you on digital version or disc? PS4 or PC??

I have put a LOT of hours into this (career mode and multiplayer) and have experienced none of the problems YET.....PS4 ...Disc copy here.
My XBone copy should be here today, already got my Pre-Order download code emailed to me. Annoyingly I'm at work at 1 so unless my post is early I won't get to play until tonight.
Load times are the only thing letting the game down a bit for me, they're not terrible but can be quite annoying if you wanted a quick few races before work etc.
I love that it seems to be aimed at people who know how to actually ride real bikes instead of just gamers, I kept falling off at first and then started thinking of how I'd really be taking corners etc. and I'm doing a lot better now.
Any news on the patch please?

They have said there working on it and that's it, they seem to be mostly ignoring everyone, they are taking a absolute beating on facebook over it every single time they post anything its just comment after comment of people telling them to fix the game, people posting pictures of the game in the bin or toilet ect.

Just noticed your PSN name, I invited you in my race team and that's what messed mine up so your partly to blame :D
It hasn't affected me as yet on the PS4, but maybe I haven't progressed far enough....or I've just been very lucky!!!

Seen the abuse on Facebook and the pics with the game in the toilet were quite amusing.
PS4 disc version here, was fine initially - got myself along to around level 120, then booted out of the game with a PS crash report - logged back in to be told my save game is corrupt :(

Since then, I have restarted (after deleting my saves), and it has corrupted a further three times - BUT..... you do get to keep your bikes and money!

So, for me at least, I'm quite happy restarting and saving up for the RSV4 APRC Race bike, rinsing the 30k credit championships, then losing my saves, but getting to keep that lovely wedge and any toys I have purchased :D

Presently, I have found that after getting the prompt re. corrupt data and clicking the deletion option (within Ride), I can usually complete two full championships in the Open category with my race bike; only to find finishing the first race of the third championship is enough to boot me and corrupt the save.

Every cloud and all that - I enjoy the game enough not to worry about having to complete X amounts of series again, as I get to buy a load of bikes I want to play with; so for now I will rinse that 'exploit' as best I can, until it gets patched - and have already purchased a season pass and purchased the 2019 R1M a 199something white and red R1 :cool:
Xbone disk version and have had no problems with the game so far other than the slightly slow loading times. completed all the elite races and got to number 1 in the in-game leader boards. Did have a slight problem yesterday when the game appeared to freeze but I went to xbox home page and it started working again. Definitely not having any of the problems the ps4 guys seem to be having with it.
Still very much enjoying this, however
Tonight i've just finished a championship and gone to my garage...none if the bike pictures match up with their make and model!!

Anyone else have this issue? Tried rebooting and it's still mixed up.
I had the same thing also, picture was initially correct but once in the garage it shows the wrong bike!

I really enjoy this game...... but it corrupted my saved game last month so lost interest now.... complete waste of time :mad:

*Just read the whole thread and looks like theres an update now.... might load it up again sometime but not looking forward to having to do all the slower and naked bikes again before I can get to the good stuff :/
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