I completely agree with this/these.
When i were a lad we had to(?) do cycling proficiency... and I'm sure this was when i was about 5. Had a road layout done from cones and the police brought some portable traffic lights and various mini road signs.
Perhaps I was older than 5, but it was at my first school and I moved when I was 6... it was definitely when I was still in primary school.
I wonder how many cyclists DON'T hold a driving licence and aren't fully aware of the highway code. Probably a lot, around me anyway... the ones not kitted out on a road bike, anyway...
But yeah - where possible motor vehicles AND pedestrians should be kept separate from cyclists, ideally.
I wish they'd massively increase the national cycle network between towns/cities - I'd be happy cycling up to 30 miles each way to commute to work... if I didn't have to do 99% of it on the roads, shared with lorries and idiot drivers.