Riding in France/Spain

My TomTom Rider has the speed camera locations for France shown as "zones" rather than specific locations. Is this still considered illegal by French law?
I had this turned on last year on our tour to the Alps and it came in handy a couple of times...

No, that's fine.
My TomTom Rider has the speed camera locations for France shown as "zones" rather than specific locations. Is this still considered illegal by French law?
I had this turned on last year on our tour to the Alps and it came in handy a couple of times...

No problem.
I see, seems a bit ridiculous to blanket ban locations and then allow zones. 99% of the time the camera was right at the end of the zone. ;)
No complaints here though.
I have heard someone got a ban in France when they couldn't pay the fine they were being issued for speeding. They had to get someone with a van to come get them! I wonder if I'm covered with the AA for this?!

Anyway, can you pay fines with a Credit Card or should I carry a wad of Euro's on me, just in case?
The speed camera zones in France are so few and far between that the warnings are largely useless anyway. They are signposted anyway.

Just as likely to get done in a non posted area or going bewteen toll sections too quickly.

I've never:
Taken Breathalyser (Was a stupid damn idea in the first place)
Taken Spare Bulbs (Even if I had them, to change them is a serious mission and involves removing fairings.)
Worn a High Vis Jacket
Put reflective stickers on helmet (Although if I was going to I would get the ordinarily black coloured ones which reflect white)

I do take a high vis tabard, all paperwork and place a GB sticker on plate.
Not sure but it's a good idea anyway - even if it's a really basic one i.e. some painkillers, plasters etc.

My basic Euro first aid kit consists of a few plasters, anti histamine, hangover tablets, alcohol gel and eye drops. There are hundreds of pharmacies in Europe for anything bigger.
Off to France in May on the bike and in ref to the helmet stickers I found a website that stated that it was decided at EU lvl that it only applies to crash helmets sold in France and did not apply to helmets purchased in another country as long as the helmet meets all requirements for the country it was sold in.


Reflective Motorcycle Helmet Stickers: from the 1st January 2016:

The EU commision response to MEP helmet sticker question. Regulation No 22 leaves the mandating of conspicuity marks to the discretion of individual Contracting Parties, allowing them to prohibit the use of helmets not meeting the conspicuity requirements.

However, it is the Commission’s understanding that the obligation contained in the French legislation cannot apply retroactively to helmets already in use. As a consequence, foreign motorcycle riders carrying a helmet not containing these reflective markings cannot be obliged to bring their helmets in conformity retroactively.

Only new helmet types placed on the French market must comply with the new requirements and bear this reflective material.

But it is up-yo you?

And another site stating the same thing:
Tell you in May when I get back as my helmet, (Caberg Tourmax), has reflective piping in the paint scheme anyway, (but not a large enough area total if that makes sense), so will not be fitting any extra stickers to it.
None of my friends have the reflective strip and we ride in France a lot.

No one has ever been stopped for that, and none of the French riders have the strip either.
Just bumping this thread as I would like to do a solo trip to France and came across this page that was last updated 2022 and it states you have to wear a high viz stickers on the helmet? Has anyone done a trip in the last year or so and more informed about the rules?
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Just bumping this thread as I would like to do a solo trip to France and came across this page that was last updated 2022 and it states you have to wear a high viz stickers on the helmet? Has anyone done a trip in the last year or so and more informed about the rules?

Got back from France yesterday after first solo trip, saw 3 police cars and was followed briefly by 2 with NO helmet stickers.
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