Rift or Vive

to summarise, the Vive wins at roomscale. For anything else, get WMR for like 200 off ebay (new).

I beg to disagree here. The Oculus Touch controllers are so much better than any other currently available VR controllers that they make the Oculus by far the best interactive experience in VR. Just being able to use simple gestures like finger pointing, thumbs up, waving, and naturally using a gripping motion to pick things up is so much more immersive than the wand style controllers other systems use.
When the Vive gets the Knuckle controllers, then that may change. :D

Though if all you want to do is Sim Racing or Flight/Space Sims then a WMR headset is a good idea due to not needing external sensors/lighthouses, but only if you get a WMR headset with higher resolution LCD/OLED panels, as the Rift lenses and panels generally give a clearer image with a larger in-focus sweet spot than the other WMR headsets.
I beg to disagree here.

I don't have a Rift, so was comparing between MWR and Vive. Apologies, should have been clearer.

I do think the Lighthouse tracking is a big win for the Vive, but completely agree the controllers could be better. Vive + Knuckles will be a winner for roomscale, but until then you have to weigh up USB cameras and IR tracking (ugh) vs. Vive wands.
Another vote for the Rift bundle which can be had for £350. The Rift felt more comfortable, has a more pleasing display and comes with far better controllers than the Vive.

MR is an option, but I wouldn't recommend due to the poor controller tracking.

I do think the Lighthouse tracking is a big win for the Vive, but completely agree the controllers could be better. Vive + Knuckles will be a winner for roomscale, but until then you have to weigh up USB cameras and IR tracking (ugh) vs. Vive wands.

I do think Valve's lighthouse tracking is fantastic for gen 1, but it is never going to expand into full body tracking unless you want to wear trackers (which I don't). I don't mind having a sensor attached to a USB cable(Rift) as opposed to a lighthouse attached to a power cable(Vive). I'm not sure the Vive does win at room scale either as the gen 1 lighthouse supports ~4.5m square. The Rift with 3 sensors manages ~4m square, while supporting up to 6 sensors.

Knuckles will just add more expense to an already over priced system, which is losing popularity, even on Steam. Remember that the Touch controllers already have gestures via pointing and thumbs up.
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MR is an option, but I wouldn't recommend due to the poor controller tracking.

I have been pleasantly surprised by the WMR controller tracking. Only when my controlled went behind my head/back did I have issues. I also gather there was an update to improve the tracking recently.
I can however, believe that WMR controller tracking is crap under certain environmental conditions - the Rift was the same on release, and they've chucked a looooot of resource into getting their IR system solid.

I do think Valve's lighthouse tracking is fantastic for gen 1, but it is never going to expand into full body tracking unless you want to wear trackers (which I don't).

Generally agree with this sentiment, however the same argument applies to the Rift. The Rift cameras used are optimised for IR, and I'd be very surprised if Oculus could get Kinect (version 1) level of body tracking working. The kinect was and still is a very serious CNN (neural network), and may still be one of the best trained and characterised in existance.
I do think Valve's lighthouse tracking is fantastic for gen 1, but it is never going to expand into full body tracking unless you want to wear trackers (which I don't). I don't mind having a sensor attached to a USB cable(Rift) as opposed to a lighthouse attached to a power cable(Vive). I'm not sure the Vive does win at room scale either as the gen 1 lighthouse supports ~4.5m square. The Rift with 3 sensors manages ~4m square, while supporting up to 6 sensors.

Knuckles will just add more expense to an already over priced system, which is losing popularity, even on Steam. Remember that the Touch controllers already have gestures via pointing and thumbs up.
There's so much wrong with what you've said here I don't know where to start...
I do think Valve's lighthouse tracking is fantastic for gen 1, but it is never going to expand into full body tracking unless you want to wear trackers (which I don't). I don't mind having a sensor attached to a USB cable(Rift) as opposed to a lighthouse attached to a power cable(Vive). I'm not sure the Vive does win at room scale either as the gen 1 lighthouse supports ~4.5m square. The Rift with 3 sensors manages ~4m square, while supporting up to 6 sensors.

Knuckles will just add more expense to an already over priced system, which is losing popularity, even on Steam. Remember that the Touch controllers already have gestures via pointing and thumbs up.

It's already technically possible with the way Rift does it's tracking since it uses cameras.
I haven't tried the Oculus Rift but in terms of the headset optics/resolution there isn't much between the PSVR, Vive or WMR headsets generally IMO. If anything I thought the PSVR headset actually looked better than the others as, despite being lower resolution, it had less screen door effect plus I found it way more comfortable. The tracking is much better on the Vive though. Tracking-wise WMR seemed mostly OK in the games I've tried whereas the PSVR tracking works most of the time but it's pretty janky for roomscale especially if you turn around.

Given you have a decent spec PC I'd be inclined to suggest you give the Oculus a shot as most folk say it has the best optics out of all the current gen headsets plus by all accounts the tracking is decent and it can be had for under £400 with motion controls. Cant go too wrong for that money IMO.

The only thing which would give me pause for thought is the Oculus have just released the Oculus Go which many reviews claim has even better resolution/optics than their flagship Rift despite being nearly half the price. This makes me think an Oculus Rift v2 can't be that far away so if you can wait........

I know it's easy to always say wait for something newer/better but the current headsets have all been out for a few years now and I'm pretty sure we'll see gen2 headsets from HTC, Oculus and WMR with noticeably improved optics/resolution and tracking in the next 12 months. I think we can safely assume next-gen headsets are going to have 4k displays which will be a huge leap over what we currently have.
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Or maybe you just don't know :rolleyes:
OK, wiseguy, here we go:

Another vote for the Rift bundle which can be had for £350. The Rift felt more comfortable, has a more pleasing display and comes with far better controllers than the Vive.
More pleasing display? Far better controllers? Opinion.
MR is an option, but I wouldn't recommend due to the poor controller tracking.
Opinion. The tracking is actually fine for most applications.
I do think Valve's lighthouse tracking is fantastic for gen 1, but it is never going to expand into full body tracking unless you want to wear trackers (which I don't).
And I suppose you think current Oculus gen 1 tracking can one day perform full body tracking? Wait...can it track anything else yet? No.
I don't mind having a sensor attached to a USB cable(Rift) as opposed to a lighthouse attached to a power cable(Vive). I'm not sure the Vive does win at room scale either as the gen 1 lighthouse supports ~4.5m square. The Rift with 3 sensors manages ~4m square, while supporting up to 6 sensors.
You might not mind, but I would would mind having to wire up USB cables from one corner of my living room to the other (and then have to deal with the ensuing USB signalling issues). Up to 6 sensors? Good luck getting that to work. The Vive does with 2 what the Rift needs 3 or more to do, and does it more efficiently and reliably.
Knuckles will just add more expense to an already over priced system, which is losing popularity, even on Steam. Remember that the Touch controllers already have gestures via pointing and thumbs up.
I don't see anything hardware improvements coming out for the Rift yet.
Naa the Rift controllers are way better. Vive controllers feel like your holding a couple of TV remotes, where as the Rift ones are ergonomic and feel like your actually gripping something.

Some people need to relax more.....!
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