Rio Ferdinand's World Cup Wind-Ups

Some anagrams of Rio Ferdinand ;

Finer Android - His presenting talent

Of innard dire - The Program

Inroad friend - The David Becham stunt

And direr if on - How it felt to watch his "hilarious" program

Useless plank - O.K , I made this one up !


i really really really HATE Rio.

just enhanced that hate last night. embarrasing tv, his laugh was so fake.

"youve been murked" WTF :mad: :mad:

he ran out like he was Ashton Kutcher (who i also hate) but at least people realise whats happened when that gimp runs out. when Rio ran out they were like WTF Rio. you know there was off camera explaining.
Do you know which part I found the funniest?

Rio Ferdinand completely spoiling his 'well 'ard' image by wearing the most girly pair of flip-flops I've ever seen. :D
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