Wife might have died and if he had dementia or other neural condition he couldn't charge his phone or look after himself. He may have died a day or two later than his wife. He was a very old guy.
seems the logical.
dog locked in room for some reason, naughty or just need them out the way quickly,
she has a Heart attack,
he's incapacitated either medical condition or natural and can move or isnt concious.
alterantive, but similar : he passed away, it caused her to have a heart attack when she found him.
by all accounts they loved each other deeply and loved their dogs. the kind of love they and other portray would mean it would be a terrible shock to her.
if it was planned i'd have expected them to ofload the dogs.
so suggests what ever happen was unplanned.
we all got to go some time, i just hope it wasnt something other than natural, and it was quick :/
sad times, we are loosing some great people.