The official rate of inflation (say 1.5%) is calculated in a way to make it seem low, and does not even include house prices, which is everyone's major expense. The real rate of inflation is running much higher, say 8-10%. Have you noticed for example, that the price of food is going up? The government and the Bank of England (a private company) are trying to pretend that the real rate of inflation is low. The true definition of inflation is increase in the money supply, and the Bank of England has been printing billions to keep the private banking sector afloat. They don't want the general public to realise this, so they massage the price inflation figures (price inflation is a result of true inflation, i.e. money supply increase). Expect real inflation to really start kicking in soon as the consequences of the billions in money printing filter through to everyday prices. If you have savings, you can attempt to protect them with inflation-hedge investments such as Bitcoin (fixed supply currency), physical gold and physical silver, although gold and silver prices are also heavily manipulated by the banks via the paper futures market.
In summary, it is best to call for hard money, i.e. where money cannot be printed out of thin air by the Bank of England, by either Bitcoin being used as a reserve currency (fixed total supply), or a return to a gold standard, where Sterling is readeemable for a particular weight of gold. Then the total supply of money is fixed, and consumer price inflation won't be able to happen.