Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

Is this using the source engine? It looks atleast five years old. The characters, animations, effects and lighting look very poor.
Is this using the source engine? It looks atleast five years old. The characters, animations, effects and lighting look very poor.

Uses Unreal Engine 3... Games are not always about Graphics :p

RO2 and RS both look much better when in game the effects are very well done. but its all about the gameplay.
Welcome to what is the start of many community focused updates to come. Today I want to start going into detail about just what is Rising Storm 2: Vietnam. Vietnam will be a standalone game in the Red Orchestra/Rising Storm franchise. We are bringing the series forward into a new era of warfare as well as emphasising the core elements and experiences of the franchise that our fans love and have come to expect.

Building off our experience with the first Rising Storm (winner of PC Gamer’s “Game of the Year” award in 2013), Vietnam will feature the asymmetrical combat between the United States Army and Marine Corps, fighting the North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong irregulars. This will be the franchise's first step into the modern era, where the competing forces are (mostly) armed with automatic weaponry, as well as having even more supporting firepower available, in terms of artillery and air support.

Due to this step forward in time, as well as player feedback and lessons learned from Red Orchestra 2 & Rising Storm, much of our time since the announcement of the game has been on designing and prototyping refinements to core elements of the game, as well as new features.

The first two of the central pillars of gameplay to look at are Squads and Firefights. There have been many discussions on the forums on these two topics, but here are some thoughts from us:

The new squad system is currently being built with an emphasis toward playing with your friends, ease of cooperation/working with the rest of the squad and squad communications. This squad system should provide more “friend” functionality, while removing some of the complexity of the old system.
In general, we are aiming to promote more defined firefights between players, enhancing and updating some of the core shooting mechanics. Not going to help if you let someone sneak up behind you, or ambush you from 10 feet away - or you let Mr Snipey take a carefully worked shot at your head. But for face-to-face engagements at normal combat ranges, a little more thought, practice and skill may be needed. Easy to use and understand, a need for calm under fire, but still deadly.

We will be sharing more information about both of these systems, other changes and new features as we move forward.

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is being built on top of an enhanced version of the RO2/RS (UE3) platform with some new graphical features. As part of this we are also working to enhance our community SDK by looking to clear modding roadblocks that were encountered on our previous titles.

The lead developer for Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is the team that brought you Rising Storm, some of whom came from the Red Orchestra modding community (such as the Darkest Hour team) - Antimatter Games ( www.antimattergames.com ). Antimatter Games will be bringing the game to you some time this year!

You can find the new community hub on Steam here: http://steamcommunity.com/app/418460 and be sure and follow our Rising Storm Game Facebook page for all the latest news and information about Rising Storm 2: Vietnam: https://www.facebook.com/RisingStormGame/ and continue to follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/tripwireint

Squads and Firefights - More Details

Hello everyone, it has been an exciting week for all of us working on Rising Storm 2: Vietnam with the recent launch of the Steam store, community and the reveal of the first core features. Today we are going to build on that, based on questions we have been reading from the community. Keep in mind these are works in progress and subject to change as we iterate with the systems and find out more about what works and what doesn’t.

New squad system - here’s some key points:
  • Any player is able to choose a role and create or join a squad (or choose not to, except for the team commander)
  • The creator of the squad can name, lock and invite others to the squad
  • As the squad fills up, we are looking at the squad leader being granted more squad tools and functions
  • Players will be rewarded (score) most for helping their squad.
  • Their squad’s accomplishments will also be highlighted in the new scoreboard with players grouped and ranked by their squads.

Firefights - Here are some details on the system we are currently trialing and iterating on:
  • Iron Sight Misalignment. Always on but subtle - impacted by user actions
  • Actions that will impact this system
  • Change of stance
  • Movement of the player weapon (or resting the weapon)
  • Incoming fire
  • Automatic fire
  • Player stamina

Also, starting next week we are planning our first internal livestream which you will be able to tune into at twitch.tv/tripwireinteractive . Be sure to let us know what questions you would like answered live on air and we will try and get to many of them!
This looks promising however feel it will be COD: Vietnam. If it turns out to be like Squad but a bit more on lines with Vietcong, that that would be fantastic

Ah the amazing memories!

Totally all over this though, very interested in this!
Refinement Part 1

Hello everyone and welcome back. Today I want talk about refinement. One of the questions we have seen come up in the community is “What systems are shared between RO2/RS and RS 2?”. Previously, we’ve talked about new core mechanics and systems, so today I want to take a look at some of those that are similar to our past titles and how we are bringing them forward.

While the complete list is much larger (obviously), I’ll just focus on spawn protection and HUD elements in this bulletin. Spawn protection is always a tricky subject as you want to reward players for doing well, pushing forward and taking the fight to the enemy, but not at a cost of spawn-killing. Nor do you want players having to be “red-screened” to death when spawns move up. In Rising Storm 2 we’ve been experimenting with a new type of spawn protection that does not kill off the player (or even tint their screen). Instead it will lower the player's weapon into a non fireable state until they leave the spawn protection or out of bounds zone. We are continuing to look at refinements to this system as we playtest in different types of maps and modes but overall our goal is to make this less frustrating and obtrusive to players who find themselves in it, especially if it has recently moved.

Another point where we’ve been making changes to improve the experience is in the HUD. Players can now customize their hud in terms of opacity and scale to find their own optimal client settings. Along with those changes we have been iterating on tactical view with icons that scale with distance and fade when iron sighting to make sure that it isn’t obtrusive to the player while continuing to provide useful information at a glance.

And to finish things off today I have something new to show! As always keep in mind what you are about to see are Works In Progress and may contain placeholders and may not always be fully representative of the final product. With that in mind I would like to introduce you to another of the primary weapons of Vietnam the Type56:

A Focus On Asymmetry

To start off this week I want to highlight an upcoming event: The PC Gamer Weekender being hosted in London (http://weekender.pcgamer.com/). For those of you based in the UK, show up and talk to us - we will be there! For those who aren’t going to make it to London, fear not - everything will be streamed by PC Gamer. Watch this space (and theirs) for all the details!

With that out of the way I want to start talking about asymmetric gameplay and how we are bringing that forward into Rising Storm 2. The South Vietnamese forces, backed and equipped by the US and allied militaries brought the latest and greatest military hardware to the field. North Vietnam, backed by China and Russia was working with a mix of WWII hardware as well as some variants of the more modern Russian weapon platforms.

This will play out both in the more obvious differences in the weapons the factions will have available, as well as the mechanics of the factions. We’re currently prototyping gameplay that highlights how much more nimble around the battlefield the North Vietnamese forces might be, as well as better abilities to move (and spawn) undetected and unexpected.

Beyond that we are also working on the commander abilities for each side that will reflect the strengths of the factions - particularly in supporting arms. Fans may get a first look at some of these in the near future (http://weekender.pcgamer.com/ - hint hint)!

But I do want to show off one example of weapon asymmetry today and that comes in the M79 - known to many of the troops as the “thumper” or “bloop-tube” due to its distinct sound. As always, just remember that what you are about to see are Works In Progress and may contain placeholders and may not always be fully representative of the final product. With that in mind, I present to you the M79:

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