Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

21 Dec 2002


The sequel to PC Gamer's 2013 multiplayer game of the year.

For the first time, the authentic gunplay and brutal first-person action of the Red Orchestra series is coming to an era of automatic rifles and man-portable grenade launchers.

Rising Storm 2 casts you into a brutal, authentic recreation of the Vietnam war.

RS2:Vietnam Features



The United States Armed Forces, with state-of-the-art weapons, powerful air support, and napalm sought to destroy the threat of Communism in Vietnam.


North Vietnamese forces used stealth, traps, improvised weaponry, coupled with the ability to move with ease through their home front made them a force to be reckoned with.



Each of the armies in Rising Storm 2: Vietnam uses different tactics and abilities to gain victory over their enemy. The US Armed Forces use the era's most powerful weapons and conventional military tactics, and can call in gunships, napalm, and recon aircraft to pinpoint and destroy the North Vietnamese forces.

The NVA and Viet Cong, conversely, make use of improvised weapons, traps, ambushes and guerrilla warfare to outwit and outmanoeuvre the enemy, and can make use of the enhanced logistics provided by the Ho Chi Minh trail




Period-accurate weapons, uniforms, gear and maps make RS2: Vietnam an accurate, true-to-life representation of the Vietnam War. Careful research and attention to detail has gone into every location, weapon, sound and army depicted in the game.



In a game where every shot counts, realistic ballistic modelling is vital. Range the enemy, dial in your sights and fire! All weapons are fine-tuned to their real-life counterparts, so whether you're using a shotgun, a sniper rifle or a grenade launcher you will experience a true-to-life, authentic first-person shooter.



Every soldier has a role on the battlefield, with different weapons, gear and uniforms researched for historical accuracy. Combining these roles tactically and making use of traps, smoke and loadouts can give your team the advantage in controlling the flow of battle.



Weapons handling has been updated to include recoil-induced sight misalignment, to accurately depict the automatic weapons of the era. Weapons also have features such as collapsible stocks, multiple fire modes and detachable bayonets, allowing for a variety of playstyles.



The lush jungles of Vietnam were a prime opportunity for ambushes, hidden VC camps and deadly traps, laid in the thick undergrowth. Watch your step!



Rice paddies and farmland made for a beautiful backdrop against which many of Vietnam's bloodiest battles were fought. Open fields make for long lines of sight, so be prepared to pop some smoke.



The towns and cities of Vietnam often played host to intense urban firefights, and building-to-building CQB through the homes and businesses of the native Vietnamese.



Want to co-ordinate with comrades you know and trust? RS2's new Squad System allows players to create, name and lock custom squads. Doing so is easy, and allows for varied and intimate team-play, with friends or strangers.


Playing in a squad provides a host of benefits, including dedicated squad text and VOIP chat, and score bonuses for specific actions. Defending your Squad Leader, working together to capture objectives and assisting your team all yield significant points.




A classic game mode, returning from previous instalments of the Red Orchestra and Rising Storm franchises, Territories sees combatants fighting to capture objectives in an effort the dominate the battlefield.



A brand new game mode, designed for smaller, 8 v 8 battles. In Skirmish you must constantly capture objectives to increase the time in your spawn window. Once that window closes, the fight becomes a tense single-life mode to be the last man standing.



An unannounced mode, coming soon!




Experience Vietnam in huge levels, based on real-world battles and real locations. Fight through historically recreated city streets and rural rice fields, with huge engagement distances to cover and support for dynamic battles and intense firefights.


Fight in all-out war in 32-a-side conflicts with support for multiple squads and rewarding team-play. Play on maps designed to support fighting on multiple fronts, and use the new squad system and commander abilities to defeat the enemy!



RS2: Vietnam comes bundled with its own SDK, which should look familiar to anyone familiar with the Unreal Engine 3 workflow. A tried-and-tested editor, used by the developers when actually creating RS2 comes with the game completely free!

Improved back-end systems, such as engine-based mantling and bipod deployment make creating custom maps a significantly more user-friendly experience compared to RO2/RS1. Create your own battles, armies and content with ease!

Create your own content and host it on Steam Workshop for other players to easily download. RS2 comes with full Steam Workshop support, making finding and installing mods, custom maps and other content simple and easy.
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Squads and Firefights - More Details

Hello everyone, it has been an exciting week for all of us working on Rising Storm 2: Vietnam with the recent launch of the Steam store, community and the reveal of the first core features. Today we are going to build on that, based on questions we have been reading from the community. Keep in mind these are works in progress and subject to change as we iterate with the systems and find out more about what works and what doesn’t.

New squad system - here’s some key points:
  • Any player is able to choose a role and create or join a squad (or choose not to, except for the team commander)
  • The creator of the squad can name, lock and invite others to the squad
  • As the squad fills up, we are looking at the squad leader being granted more squad tools and functions
  • Players will be rewarded (score) most for helping their squad.
  • Their squad’s accomplishments will also be highlighted in the new scoreboard with players grouped and ranked by their squads.

Firefights - Here are some details on the system we are currently trialing and iterating on:
  • Iron Sight Misalignment. Always on but subtle - impacted by user actions
  • Actions that will impact this system
  • Change of stance
  • Movement of the player weapon (or resting the weapon)
  • Incoming fire
  • Automatic fire
  • Player stamina

Also, starting next week we are planning our first internal livestream which you will be able to tune into at twitch.tv/tripwireinteractive . Be sure to let us know what questions you would like answered live on air and we will try and get to many of them!
Refinement Part 1

Hello everyone and welcome back. Today I want talk about refinement. One of the questions we have seen come up in the community is “What systems are shared between RO2/RS and RS 2?”. Previously, we’ve talked about new core mechanics and systems, so today I want to take a look at some of those that are similar to our past titles and how we are bringing them forward.

While the complete list is much larger (obviously), I’ll just focus on spawn protection and HUD elements in this bulletin. Spawn protection is always a tricky subject as you want to reward players for doing well, pushing forward and taking the fight to the enemy, but not at a cost of spawn-killing. Nor do you want players having to be “red-screened” to death when spawns move up. In Rising Storm 2 we’ve been experimenting with a new type of spawn protection that does not kill off the player (or even tint their screen). Instead it will lower the player's weapon into a non fireable state until they leave the spawn protection or out of bounds zone. We are continuing to look at refinements to this system as we playtest in different types of maps and modes but overall our goal is to make this less frustrating and obtrusive to players who find themselves in it, especially if it has recently moved.

Another point where we’ve been making changes to improve the experience is in the HUD. Players can now customize their hud in terms of opacity and scale to find their own optimal client settings. Along with those changes we have been iterating on tactical view with icons that scale with distance and fade when iron sighting to make sure that it isn’t obtrusive to the player while continuing to provide useful information at a glance.

And to finish things off today I have something new to show! As always keep in mind what you are about to see are Works In Progress and may contain placeholders and may not always be fully representative of the final product. With that in mind I would like to introduce you to another of the primary weapons of Vietnam the Type56:

Thought I better update this thread!

We have a closed beta sign up form that has slowly been working its way around. We still do not have an official start date for the closed beta but we will keep everyone updated on when this will happen. We will be inviting a limited number of people, but we will have several phases and multiple ways to get a key as we ramp up towards the final release of the game.

Media Update - RPG-7 Backblast

Last week Yoshiro mentioned that he was going to be at GamesCon this week and wouldn’t have a chance to post another media update. The guys over at Antimatter Games put together another webm for you to demonstrate the RPG-7’s backblast. Anyway. The effects shown are WIP.


The backblast from the RPG can be very lethal due to the gases and the concussive force involved with sending a 2.6kg rocket flying through the air at 110 meters per second, almost instantly. That cannon like force is projected out the back end of the RPG’s barrel and will affect other players up to 7 meters away.

Another point of this video is to demonstrate the continuation of the gore and dismemberment system form the Red Orchestra series. You can also note the sawn-off variation of the IZH-43 and the change of elevation on the RPG-7’s rear sight.

The level shown in this week’s media update (and last weeks) has a name. Song Be River, named after the Song Be river found in South Vietnam.


Media Update - Ithaca Pistol Grip

Hello everyone! We are back with another media update for Rising Storm 2: Vietnam. Today we want to highlight a pistol grip variation of the Ithaca shotgun in addition to a new location that is being worked on (this map has yet to be officially named). Nestled between some mountains, this quiet jungle valley is about to heat up!

As always, remember that what you are about to see is a Work In Progress: (Also, we know Ithaca is misspelled in the webm.)


As an additional reminder we won’t have anything up for the week of Gamescom but are prepping for some big news before we go to PAX West! Expect to see more of this valley and what action it can hold for players soon!.

Media Update - Ragdolls

Hello everyone! We are back with another media update for Rising Storm 2: Vietnam. Today we want to cover our updated ragdoll system which will allow bodies to fall in more natural ways as compared to Red Orchestra 2 or Rising Storm. Overall the ragdoll is more relaxed and falls into more natural positions. When dying, momentum from the player’s movement is now applied to the ragdoll so killing a player who is sprinting is very satisfying.

As always, remember that what you are about to see is a Work In Progress:


As an additional reminder we won’t have anything up for the week of Gamescom but are prepping for some big news following the show as well as being at PAX West!

Media Update - M8 Smoke Grenade

Hello everyone! One of the things the team is working on as the game continues through development is new and optimized particles and effects. Today I have an example of our recently updated M8 Smoke grenade in action. Designed to help soldiers conceal their positions and movements from others the M8 is a close-in hand grenade that has seen continued use for many decades.

As always, remember that what you are about to see is a Work In Progress:


And, in terms of further information, some of you will know we had intended to roll some more news for GamesCom. While that plan has fallen through, we’re now set up to bring you some big news in the run-up to PAX West. Following on from that, we’ll be running a Streaming Panel at PAX to go into more detail with fans!

Media Update - M79 Buckshot Rounds

Hello everyone! We are excited to bring you the next Rising Storm 2: Vietnam Media Update. While we previously introduced the famous M79 grenade launcher, today we want to talk about a different type of round. While the standard 40mm grenades were designed with a minimum arming distance to protect the user from self-inflicted injury and death, it was found that this very same mechanism left a soldier carrying an M79 as their primary weapon practically unarmed for short distance engagements, such as when dealing with bunkers, tunnels and close in jungle fighting.

The M576 40mm grenade replaces the stock high explosive grenade, firing a load of buckshot down range instead. Perfect for those close encounters - let’s take a look:


As always keep in mind that what you are seeing is a WIP!

Media Update - Toe Popper Mines And You

Hello everyone! We have another media update today with another planted trap/mine/explosive weapon: The MD-82 (also known as the Toe Popper). This landmine uses a pressure switch located on the top of the mine, which is triggered when stepped on.

As always what you are about to see is a Work In Progress, but today we have a new WEBM showing a small field of these at work (using a little known Rising Storm feature that is making a return in that mines in close proximity can and will detonate each other!).


Mine the gap Media Update

Hello everyone. Today we have a new media update to share which covers a different class of explosive weapons that one may find while patrolling the jungle. As always remember what you are about to see are Works in Progress and often prototype implementations. Diving right in, let us talk about C4 and Tripwires.

Composition C4 is a plastic explosive that is stable to carry and move around and can be molded into any shape needed (or desired) by the end user. Often carried by engineers, in Vietnam it provided a reliable way to close tunnels or clear buildings but was also often used to lay traps while out in the field. Players will find this weapon in the US Army and Marine arsenal.


The Vietcong also had their own variety of traps made using WWII-era anti-personnel mines as well as more modern ones provided by Russia and China. But one of the most common traps was the home-made Tripwire created by tying a string or wire to the pin of a grenade which would result in the grenade's detonation when the string or wire was “tripped” by passing a soldier’s feet or legs.


Willy Pete and the NVA - Media Update

Today we want to show the community an upcoming weapon prototype we’ve been working on: White Phosphorous, or Willie Pete to the soldiers. Willie Pete found use in the Vietnam conflict as both a smoke grenade, anti tunnel weapon, as well as a direct anti personnel weapon due to the nature of the fire it creates which is effectively impossible to put out. Used in artillery barrages since World War I, it started seeing more common use as a grenade during the Vietnam conflict (previous handheld devices were often deemed too dangerous to the user).

Below you will find a webm of our current prototype M34 WP grenade in action against the North Vietnamese Army ( or NVA for short - seen here for the first time) currently equipped by the pointman role (along with the m37 Ithaca shotgun).


We have more items to talk about (along with new media) in the weeks to come so stay tuned!

Really looking forward to this now!
Or maybe just on rails with slight user input?

Edit - Looks to be fully controllable!

"I flew one of those helicopters, a Huey, and nervously landed it—wobbling and skidding—in a cleared patch of jungle to unload a squad near a vital capture point. I took off while my troops ran, and then from somewhere in the brush a rocket-propelled grenade whizzed into the air, into my rotor. It was all flames and trees after that. The title of a ’70s war movie could have been overlaid on my wreckage right then."


I am so ready.
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Arma, Squad and the RO series are probably the only fps games that you need teamwork to win. Looks like it will play almost exactly the same to RO2/RS so I can't wait. Comparing Arma and Squad is a bit silly but I'm not getting into that argument again!

I'm still smashing out the hours on Rising Storm. Finally bothered to level up all weapons to 50 apart from the katana. Made a few enemies while using nothing but the knee mortar! Katana time tonight though.
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haha :D

I'll try the beta anyway and see, who knows, with how bored I am of most other games these days, I might like this for a change and as said, it is Vietnam!!!! :D Plus.... I will have some great Vietnam style sound clips to spam :p :D

Most servers ban you for that in these games :p
If you can stay patient through a few crashes and poor performance currently then Squad is still great fun. There's a new monthly recap out for it which I'll post in the Squad thread once I'm home.

Have you already got RO2/RS? Both are still popular and are great fun. I believe it's on sale currently too.
Media Update: Mosin Nagant

Manufactured at the Tula arsenal in 1937 this 1891/30 found its way to Vietnam by way of a Soviet supply crate. A significant number of old Soviet surplus supplies, plus weapons captured during WW2, were sent to The People's Republic of Vietnam (PAVN) and to the Nation Liberation Front (NLF or “VC”).

The Mosin Nagant is the most mass produced and plentiful rifle of all time. Over 100 million rifles were made from 1881 to 1965 by many manufacturers from several different countries.



Fun fact - Remington and New England Westinghouse were two US companies that produced some of the first Mosin Nagant rifles. Pre-WW1 Russia had manufacturing contracts with both of these companies but could not completely fulfill payment for all of the rifles produced. This was devastating to Remington and almost put them out of business. The US government bought the remaining, unpaid-for Mosins and sent those rifles with the soldiers & engineers who participated in the Allied intervention of the Russian Civil War, Operation Archangel in 1918.

In game, the 91/30 is used by the NLF and the 91/30 PU is used by both the NLF and the PAVN. Both versions of the rifle include an attachable “pig-sticker” bayonet - making it the longest rifle in the game, by far.

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