Rival the moon landing speech

On a side note. Just think that it'll be 2030 even by Nasa's estimates before we get to Mars, and whats to say it'll even be that soon what with Nasa budget cuts. Also remember that the Astronauts will probably be around thirty to thirty five years old going on the average age of the apollo and shuttle crews.

The first person to set foot on Mars is at this moment 5 years old.
Calibos said:
The first person to set foot on Mars is at this moment 5 years old.
That would make them 29-30. I think you'll find quite a lot of astronauts are 10-20 years older than that. :)
"Houston.. add 1 to the Mankind step tally!.. i make that two up here.. woot"

.........................................................................................didlerrnerr didlerrnerr..HELLO!! NO IM ON MARS.. NO ITS ****.. YEH.. NOTHING TO DO.. NAH DONT BOOK A HOLIDAY.. ROOM SERVICE..AWEFUL!

"Errr Houston.. were gonna need an acronym search on the letters dubbleyou, tee, el, dubbleyou.. theres a dude already up here, says he was posted here a week ago?.. yeh he's got a sign and everything"
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