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RMA to powercolor??

25 Mar 2004
So my hd3870x2 has died a miserable death, with me now getting a chequer board pattern. it is 14 months old and warranty is two years. I am trying to contact anyone from powercolor about info for rma/support?? to no avail?
Has anyone got any contact details?/experience with this company.

Thanks in advance

Good luck mate, I spent 10 months trying to get them to sort out the dodgy BIOS in my PowerColor HD 4870 PCS+, now that the warranty has run out I'm doing it myself. Assuming you've still got your original invoice, I'd go back to the reseller and take it from there. From my experience dealing direct with this company is a complete waste of time.
Yeah I have tried the reseller but they are adamant that powercolor will honour the warranty. Its just getting to try and talk with someone at powercolor!! this is really doing my head in now!
Go back to the point of purchase and play holly **** with them.

It was what ? one month out of the dealer warranty and they wont even help you contact the manufacturer ? Kick off !
My situation was different because I didn't get a receipt when I purchased my card from the forum. However as the card was only a few months old at the time, I felt very strongly that PowerColor had been negligent to release the product with an immature BIOS (which was well documented at the time) and they should fix it. After about three months of emails they responded, however they refused to disclose an address where the card could be sent, telling me to return the card to the reseller under RMA which obviously I couldn't do. In the end I sent copies of all my emails to AMD and out of frustration I even threatened to take PowerColor to court, I never heard anything back from them. They are without a doubt the worst company I've ever had the pleasure to deal with and there is no way I'd ever buy a PowerColor product again.
Spotted this post on another forum, apparently Overclockers UK agreed to accept the card back at the buyers cost and sent him a replacement. Sounds like the best course of action is to kick up a real fuss with your reseller. Good Luck.....

ok, most retails will replace a faulty piece of hardware if it goes wrong in the first 12 months, however, once the 12 months is up the responsibility no longer becomes theirs & it becomes the hardware manufactures if the warranty is for 24 or 36 months.

Fine & dandy in principle - a nightmare in practice.

My PowerColor X1900XT has died, its 18 months old & it has a 24 month warranty. Rang the sellers (Overclockers UK) & they gave me an email: 'support@powercolor.com.tw'

Tried to contact them, no reply. Found out some info & emailed 'directrma@powercolor.com'
They told me to contact the supplier.

Overclockers assures me that I need to speak to PowerColor.

Speak to Powercolor & they told be that I need to contact:

So i try them & get nothing. I then read on the USA website (which has a full RMA setup etc) that:

" SORRY! NO INTERNATIONAL RMA WILL BE ACCEPTED!!! Direct RMA for North America end users ONLY. The customers who resides outside of North America, please go to "tul.com.tw" for RMA inquiries. You may get no reply if you resides outside of North America. "

So it tells you to contact tul if outside North America but goes on to say that you wont get a reply if you live outside North America!!!

PowerColor's UK distributor should provide warranty support or at least send you in the right direction. Failing that, they must have a European base, most likely somewhere in Holland or Germany.
I've just checked PowerColor's global website and they list four UK distributors. Try contacting them for assistance, or ask your reseller to disclose their distributor and try contacting them direct. You have a receipt and with it the power to get a positive result to your dilemma.
If rma's with Powercolor are this bad then I may give them a wide berth in future. Good products in my experience, luckily haven't needed to send anything back. Always wondered why they only gave 1year warranty.
OK so today was doing some trawling and found a powercolor forum, looks like people do get a reply from posting in here , so have tried that!! will post here if anything happens so that anyone in the future might use this if they unfortunately have similar problems.
ok, most retails will replace a faulty piece of hardware if it goes wrong in the first 12 months, however, once the 12 months is up the responsibility no longer becomes theirs & it becomes the hardware manufactures if the warranty is for 24 or 36 months.

Under the soga a consumer has upto 6yrs to claim for damages against a retailer

In practice if the retailers 12 month warranty period has expired it is often easier all round to send something back to the manufacturer under their warranty

If this is not possible which seems to be the case then read up on the sales of goods act and kick up a fuss with the retailer , if they don't want to know then contact consumer direct
Ok so update for today, posted on their forums and hugo a powercolor rep has asked me to e-mail him an rma form so he can pass it on to the relevant department. have e-mailed will see how that goes!

aslo got a reply from danny chang taiwan also asking me too install drivers again. replied with a three page e-mail telling him eveything i have done since this started!!!

Thanks JBuk, gives me hope if taiwan and US let me down!
ahhh well its been a month and a half and although many people have promised to tell me how to get a refund or send my card in for RMA , i still have a 200quid paperweight!! really really disappointed in these guys, and i would seriously reconsider buying anything from powercolor as there support is just non existent. If you do buy summat just pray that nothing goes wrong with it!!!

ps non of powercolor's official distributor's own up to supplying the card to shop and shop refuse to reveal there supplier!
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