RMA whole order of 2 kits ram and cpu

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You're in 'general discussion' where half the people probably don't know what a computer is, let alone own one.
For them this is just a chat forum on the internet. Post a thread about the weather or something...
Talk to the shop directly with issues, nobody here will help you.
How very dare you
Who said the word 'shop'?

"I am not a shop" is an insider joke on these forums, stemming from a thread years ago. It doesn't really mean anything. Same goes for queen bees, mustard, Gucci belts, corner sofas and pooing through letterboxes.

I would have assumed that the point of a forum attached to a business name is to discuss in part policies and improvement possibilities, I get the point about this being a 'general forum' but a more accurate point is the description states its for topics that do not easily fit any of the the other topic descriptions, it certainly, I'm pretty sure does not state 'only post in here If you know little or nothing about computers'.

You're right that it isn't clear from outside, but these forums branched out long ago and are now far broader than a shop forum or a hardware forum. They're a big collection of subforums for pretty much everything. Few of the subforums have anything to do with the business. General Discussion is a relatively lightly moderated and very informal subforum for almost any topic.



Three faulty components at the same time? That's like winning the lottery. In fact I think you should buy a ticket

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While I do empathise with the OP, what on earth are they doing to spend £26 on thermal compound on the one build? I've still got a tube of Arctic Ceramique that is probably getting on for two decades old. :o
I've almost never had a DOA Intel CPU, albeit faults with other components might damage it, having dead RAM, problems with motherboard and CPU is just so incredibly unlikely.
I am going to close this as this is not the place for customer service questions.

If you've got any questions with regards to orders or customer service the correct place to go is here as the customer service staff do no spend much time on the forum, and there is nowhere on the forum where you can discus the sort of specifics (order number, real names etc) needed.
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