Road Cycling

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After taking huge holes out of my skin suit on my sky TT last year, I spent a chunk of time over the winter searching for a new skin suit, and then not bothering to get one, as I had one donated from a friend, unfortunately this was in large, and I'm generally a small/medium nowadays.

So went back to looking around, didn't want to spend huge amounts, as I am hoping our club sort their kit supplier out so the skinsuits are actually skin tight not sort of race fit! :D (that and I don't like the current design)

I finally decided to purchase a Galibier Chrono 3 Speedsuit. Unfortunately they didn't have any in stock in my size, so dropped them an email asking when they're likely to come back in and got the pleasing news they were due to refresh the website at 11 that day. So kept checking back, and no update by 12:30, so dropped them another mail asking, they replied saying please check now and apologies for the delay but we'll chuck in some aero gloves for free! Which I was going to buy anyway! So all round great customer service, and their prices aren't half bad! Worth a look if you're in the market.

Suit turned up today, is a lovely fit, not as tight as my old skin suit, but this seems to be much comfier and a nicer material for year round riding. Going to give it its first outing tomorrow evening, along with my new gloves.

I liked the care instructions they chucked in with it too.


P.S this is the suit I got

TL : DR I got a new skin suit :P (Jesus I don't half go on)
Good idea to rotate your cassette and wheels like that, certainly with the miles you're doing!

I don't know how else to say this but...


I wasted money on them, they're ok quality but damn are they noisey (very annoying)! I fitted my Raceblade Longs (XL) last night and they are superb. I know it might be hard to track down a set (EOL) but well worth the effort! Easier to fit than the Giants, better fit (less fiddling around to stop rub) and so far they're completely silent! I've not ridden them in the rain yet (Saturday may be the test) but the way they fit they'll be fine! I got mine from Wheelies but I know Tart tried getting a set around the same time and couldn't, they must be available elsewhere if you hunt around enough.

I won't buy the Giant ones then haha :D you think I should get the Raceblade ones? I'm in no rush, won't be getting them til later in the year as I won't need them that much and they're only gonna be fitted for winter use. How much did you pay?

I'm hoping for another 1000miles out of my cassette and chain yet to be honest which will take me up to the back end of the year then I'll replace both and then look at fitting winter tyres, when I get my new wheels next year I'll get decent wheels and a decent cassette and a decent chain, the following winter I'll go back to my old wheels and cheapish chain.

I wana do more miles! The difference in my performance and body is crazy! Need to up it a bit, had a hell of a ride this morning and I'm now competing for some KOMs which is great!
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Bloody resurfacing around here! 5 different locations around me on different routes! Got hit by stones this morning by trucks and vans, also heard some nasty sounding hits to the under frame.

By the way, my rear mech isn't taking up the slack again!

I've got a tool on its way to check the chain length.
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Someone at work said when I notice the contact point of the tyre getting wider it's time for new tyres.

Is this true?

If you roll your fingers gently over the tyre you can feel approx a third of the tyre is flat across the width, you can feel the edges of the flat.

These tyres are rubbish in my opinion. In comparison to others I've seen they look poor quality.

Need to find some of those Conti tyres everyone raves about now :)

Edit: I'll need them eventually so I've ordered some.

These are based in Germany, they change the vat at checkout.

Sign up to their website and they'll give you a £10 voucher effectively having the tyres delivered for £48.10, even without the voucher £58.10 isn't a bad price! 700x23c standard, in the comments ask for 25c if that's what you require, i wernt sure if 23c would fit my tube and wheel and I'm paranoid about potholes so just got 25c
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So I said to the guy looking after my lost top case at Rapha "sort me out a training session with team sky and we'll say no more" and, well, he didn't appreciate the joke.
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