Road Cycling

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I got out for 33 miles first thing to test my newly installed 105 kit. When I turned the pedals the wheels went round, when I pushed the levers the gears changed, when I pulled the brakes the bike stopped. Nothing fell off. Success. The shifting is great compared to tiagra, such a light touch and it goes. The trimming on the front mech is very neat. I was 0.1mph faster on that route than the last time I did it, so definitely money well spent :p I got a decent chunk of PRs in the middle so I'm happy with that. It was a pretty flat route, so not too heavy going. I had been planning to go over Rivington, our local cat 3, but I woke up and it was super frosty even where I was, so I didn't want to chance it. Next week, maybe.
Went out this morning nice and early but couldn't managed more than 25miles, need to shift this bloody virus! 24% gradient is not fun when you can't breath through your nose and your coughing going all the way up! Was only 6seconds off my PR on another climb though...explain that one! :confused:
so my wiggle order turned up today

Cheap DHB R1 road shoes in white and red, they look nice in those colours, only £25 !

I've got those ones as well. Can't complain for the price at all. :)

One week on from my crash and my ribs are still giving me pain along with tightness from my shoulder blade down to ribcage. The deadleg healed in a couple of days and my arm is almost better. No fun this :mad: Might have to clean up my bike today and get it ready for when I go out again whenever that might be :(
Went out this morning nice and early but couldn't managed more than 25miles, need to shift this bloody virus! 24% gradient is not fun when you can't breath through your nose and your coughing going all the way up! Was only 6seconds off my PR on another climb though...explain that one! :confused:

After being busy and then being ill, this was the first time I have been out for a few weeks and I couldn't believe how hard going I found it and I only did 25 miles. :(:o
Went out early in the hope of avoiding the worst of the wind and with the intention of doing 25 miles for the first time.

After the slog against the headwind most of the way back to Worcester. I decided just to head home. Did a bit over 23miles in the end. Felt weak over the last mile or two.

Must start planning routes based on the wind direction in the future
Decided to hit Brill up from 3 of 4 sides this morning and then finish off with some of my regular climbs.

Feet up for the Roubaix now :cool:

Found the Windmill at last :)

Doing my first audax on Saturday, 160k.

Well, that escalated quickly!

Start was about 72 miles away, so we rode 54 miles on friday night, camped in a field and rode the ~20 miles to the start on saturday morning.
100 mile audax then I felt good at the end so I rode the 72 miles home again.

Total of 192 miles done on Saturday, my longest road bike ride so far :)
I replaced a Garmin Edge 520 with a 1000 (this is all through wiggle) as i've missed the turn by turn navigation. The plan was to go out tomorrow morning for a test ride and i've gone ahead and plugged it into the PC to update, this is where it's got interesting.

Got a prompt on my tablet that a ride is ready, which is odd as i've not been out since last weekend. The rides uploaded to Strava and is dated the 19th March, inspecting it further and the ride was done in London (I live in the East Midlands) then I find that another chap did exactly the same ride (obviously his actual ride)

Contacted him and he had the unit and used it once for a test ride then returned it to Wiggle, granted he only did a short 2.5 mile test ride with it and all the packaging is intact along with the unit looking in perfect condition but does leave you a little annoyed that it's being sold as brand new (these things aren't cheap)

Tried it out today and it's worked absolutely fine, Wiggle have been in contact and offered to replace it as to quote them that this is not acceptable and we do not intentionally send out used products In all honesty it's working perfectly if that other chaps details hadn't of been on it I'd of never of known.

I've since replied to them and said I will keep it and suggested they be more careful when sending out devices and not checking them first. They replied within a couple of hours and can only offer there apologies, they've passed it to the returns team manager but I suspect nothing will come of it.
I've taken my kids to the park today. Observations:

a) my 6 year old might just have better souplesse than me
b) instant whip ice cream looks and feels like lithium grease
Also, you know you descend fast when you overtake a van :eek: /fearless /scrapemeofftheroad

Aha. Dropped a van! :p

After trying S,M,L of the Sportful Thermolite baselayers Roady recommended I've settled on the large size (I'll claim wide shoulders...). Seemed pretty nice today. Good recommendation!

Nice ride out today though a bit of a late start. Intended to go for 35/40 today but the weather seemed pretty nice so I rounded it off with a few laps of Richmond Park. Super busy in there today with many cars treating it like a safari park.

Think I might have scared the living daylights out of a young driver pulling out of a hospital car park. I was approaching at 25mph and he just pulled out straight in front of me, luckily I didn't have to emergency stop as there was no oncoming traffic so I swerved round and ended up shouting "What are you doing?" as I went by. The look on his face was complete shock! He genuinely never saw me/didn't look properly. After that he didn't overtake me for about a mile and a half until the next set of traffic lights. With any luck he might look in future. At least I'd have had easy access to medical help being next to a hospital!

My Garmin 810 really didn't want to play ball today. It just kept crashing and turning off while navigating. I was going the wrong way round the course but it should be able to cope. It happened about 4 times within 30 mins.. and each time took up to 5 mins to get GPS fix again!

Tried it out today and it's worked absolutely fine, Wiggle have been in contact and offered to replace it as to quote them that this is not acceptable and we do not intentionally send out used products In all honesty it's working perfectly if that other chaps details hadn't of been on it I'd of never of known.

I've since replied to them and said I will keep it and suggested they be more careful when sending out devices and not checking them first. They replied within a couple of hours and can only offer there apologies, they've passed it to the returns team manager but I suspect nothing will come of it.
I'd actually explicitly ask them for a discount or something. They'll probably give something.
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Well, that escalated quickly!

Start was about 72 miles away, so we rode 54 miles on friday night, camped in a field and rode the ~20 miles to the start on saturday morning.
100 mile audax then I felt good at the end so I rode the 72 miles home again.

Total of 192 miles done on Saturday, my longest road bike ride so far :)

Sounds awesome. You should combine the recordings for Strava e-peen points :p

I rode out with a fair few newbies today. The girl in our group is super new to riding but has been running for a year. Pretty impressive how easily she managed 40 miles given the fact she has been riding about a month at best and her previous longest ride was at most 10 miles.
Club run this morning, went out and met the guys on the way out, then head wind for the next 25 miles, which I sat on the front for a large chunk once I'd warmed up. Then got to the turn went hard up the main climb, 313w but only for just under 5 minutes.

Wanted to get back for Roubaix so went and plonked myself on the front and got us pushing on on the way back, then the nippers started launching some attacks, which annoyed me somewhat, so just tapped out a strong rhythm. Happy with my ride, with some strong training efforts in there.

Came home watched Roubaix and attempted to put a new hub in a wheel, failed miserably so I now have a pile of spokes, hub some nipples and a rim. Will give it another go in the week.

Also, you know you descend fast when you overtake a van :eek: /fearless /scrapemeofftheroad

Went past a car on the way home, stopped at some lights and he said you were speeding in a joking manner :D Said didn't expect it when I came round the outside of him.

My epeen is strong! Already combined all of the riding done on saturday before uploading:

Garmin died about 4 miles from home, so only recorded 188 miles.

Loon! That is fantastic work! I will do some long ones again at some point later in the year. But need company as I find it quite boring after 3 or so hours on your lonesome.
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