Road Cycling

Better that then starting late as it avoids the backlog. If you've done 100km, you can do 100 miles. It is also a lot easier on the body without the constant stops.
Yeah definitely, I'm in a group of 4 and we're hoping to help each other go at a pretty constant 30k (which is what we usually manage if we find a long stretch of road without stops anyway).

Quite looking forward to it as long as the weather is decent! Any tips if it looks likely to rain? I have a waterproof cycling jacket but sweat like a pig in it.
Me too! Never cycled that far before, but did 110km on Sunday at an average speed of 26 and felt pretty comfy, so I'm not too concerned.

My main worry is that, somehow, my friends and I are in the first wave at 6.15am. I only live a half hour cycle from the start, but still, that's a 4.30 wake up!

When are you starting?
I'm in the 7am wave
Expect a long wait to actually start. Between getting the first train into London, cycling across London and getting through to the start line it was about 3 hours after I had breakfast. Normally I'd be looking to have a 2nd breakfast 3 hours after the first so definitely bring a pre-start snack to eat while walking.

What are you, a hobbit!
Anyone else thinking the standard of driving (yes aware we are starting from a low bar) has *reeally* declined in the last couple of weeks? I'm not sure if it's because there's a lot of road closures / train strikes going on around me at the moment, but my 20 mile each way commute is starting to feel incredibly unsafe. And I'm a very confident cyclist, and won't hide in the gutter line inviting dangerous overtakes.

3 incidents this morning, 2 of people passing way way too close on blind corners, in a 20 zone (where I was doing 20...), and then immediately slamming their brakes on to stop at the line of traffic in front of them.

Culminated in a 3 series driver hooning right up the back of me (again, I was doing 20, in a 20) whilst leaning on his horn, and then (as there was traffic coming the other way), sitting about 3 inches off my wheel and revving/on his horn constantly, I eventually just stopped in front of him exchanged a few expletives and moved to the side of the road, while he then shot off into the distance.

2 minutes later I went past him in a queue of traffic about 100 cars long :confused:

For context my commute is from Fulham to Weybridge, go through Barnes, A316, Twickeham, Molesey etc.

Kind of wish I had a camera.

re ride london I got the 6.15 wave ffs. I'll be heading down from Suffolk, there are no trains that early oh actually there a no trains running all weekend from here to London :cry:. Oh well ill be driving down at 3am then.

I really don't think things through :cry:
Anyone else thinking the standard of driving (yes aware we are starting from a low bar) has *reeally* declined in the last couple of weeks? I'm not sure if it's because there's a lot of road closures / train strikes going on around me at the moment, but my 20 mile each way commute is starting to feel incredibly unsafe. And I'm a very confident cyclist, and won't hide in the gutter line inviting dangerous overtakes

I have found that driving has got worse but I find that its sometimes fine and other times its a nightmare. Its usually not consistent. I would 100% get a camera though and start reporting these people. Only thing that will change their behaviour or get them off the road. The behaviour of that BMW driver would likely have got them a large fine and at least 6 points. Well, if the police decided that he didn't just need a gentle talking to or he said that he can't remember the incident.
I decided today I think I'll do the Mallorca 312 next year, has anyone done it?

Mind you, I will do one of the shorter routes. Previously I kinda thought "if you're not doing the 312km, it's not on!" but tbh, I'm not sure I'll ever be good enough to do that, so stop putting it off! I like that you can decide during the ride, so after 98km, if you survive the cut-off, you can decide then. Maybe I can manage 220km... maybe... if I train hard through winter perhaps.

So, yes, has anyone done it? Any experiences to share?

the 312 has become my white whale. I've booked it twice previously but had to cancel due to health both times. I did however fly over and do the first 200 odd km which is most of the climbing, It's insane but I was on open roads to be fair.

I know a few people that have done it and they loved it, be warned though there are often some serious accidents on it. Apparently its mainly down to people not appreciating the descending skill required. Even though its closed roads there are just so many other cyclists around so you need to keep your wits about you.

Some guy on youtube has a good 5 odd hour video of him doing it a few years back, it really does show just how busy it can get.

I will be going at it again but it will probably be 2026.
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re ride london I got the 6.15 wave ffs. I'll be heading down from Suffolk, there are no trains that early oh actually there a no trains running all weekend from here to London :cry:. Oh well ill be driving down at 3am then.

I really don't think things through :cry:
I'll look out for the super tired guy who's stressed from his drive from Suffolk!
Thats not slow! You'll find that if you can stick at your training you will suddenly make a little jump in pace.

Turns out I haven't been doing any hard rides outside this year due to the weather and going out with mates who are much less fit than me. I fuelled a little more than usual but I think I probably had about 100g carbs on the bike and I probably should have had closed to 200g. My legs are still feeling quite beaten up after it. I was basically sitting on the edge most of the ride and at times I considered stopping for a few minutes to have a gel and a break but there was never the perfect spot so I just kept going.

I think the biggest thing on long, hard rides is fuelling on the bike. If you don't do that you will suffer for days afterwards. I know this and still I struggle to calibrate the amount of calories I should be taking in. I don't think you can out eat the calories you are burning on a hard ride so I just need to take in an amount every hour whether I think I need it or not.

What I really need to do is do one of the loops I used to treat as a fast ride. 2 years ago my best time was 70 minutes. I'd like to see how much I could shave off that route.

I'm just sticking to my training and reminding myself that I'm doing this for a new bike (who cares about being fitter, healthier and faster when I can be on a shiny new bike) and it's making me be consistent.
I hate you all - as you all got in more miles than me! Saturday had family plans, followed by a few house stuff when we got back (and fitted my Invisiframe!). Did consider sunday but never quite got to it... Monday wanted to cross off as many 'house jobs' and get the garden ready for summer. Did a bunch of it so feeling very chuffed on that front... But still no riding!

One thing I did come across fitting the 12 speed Ultegra cranks... They seem to have a plastic 'stopper' in the middle of the crank axle, which was stopping the black screw cap/dust plastic cover thing you pre-load the bearings with screwing down fully to do so... None of my other cranks seem to have it! Googling around online nobody really mentioning it. I've no idea how to move it/push it further (doesn't want to budge & doesn't turn). Many here fiddled around to know what it is and how to adjust/remove/etc? @One More Solo @SoliD you guys seem to be my go-to's for silly home maintenance stuff, anyone else here?! :D

Some pics here, can also see from the close up how the Invisiframe sits - it's a little more glossy than the matte finish of the paint which irks me a little (not a fan of high gloss), but can live with it providing I have the other benefits of protecting the frame! :D



I've got an Invisiframe kit to fit to it, which is best done before it gets any 'road grime' on it. Also easier without things like cranks fitted... Then the kit involves spraying lots of water + shampoo around so I can't do it indoors and they recommend the temperatures being no cooler than 16 degrees (ideally 18)... So I'm temperature watching for a weekend afternoon with several hours of 18+ degrees. In the UK. In April. HAHAHA
Finally did this! Took about 4.5 hours saturday afternoon... Very fiddly but also very cool the way you can get it to mount and stretch out to cover edges/curves and stick down as your squeegee. Would quite like to do another... Or even refit a few parts on mine which are not 100% perfect, maybe. Yesterday morning I even cut up a piece of the 'test' sheets they'd sent me to fit my seat post (as they don't supply one with the kit). Quite good fun but definately not as good a job as if they'd measured and cut one!

Hmm, I suppose I didn't really notice anything about their weight... so... maybe that gives the answer?
Good shout. But also as they're Continental they've not made Tubeless ones yet have they?

Got nearly everything fitted to the Tarmac, including Aerofly II bars (bought on ebay). Tracked down the little plastic screw in wings (quite easily £10 on Tredz after reading a few forums of people who struggled to get/high price). Have yet to wrap the bar tape (final job). Weirdly I'd fitted my GP5000S TR back on my Zipps, had a cut which wouldn't seal on one of them last autumn I'd patched up a week or 2 ago. Had got them sealed and mounted ok last weekend, put them in the sun on saturday when sorting the frame and *POP* & *HSSSSSSSSS* it started leaking again. Need to put a tube in it to get enough wear on it, but had a weak moment and just bought another new one from Mantel...!

Doing ~47 miles on Tuesday at fractions over 12mph was by far my longest ride by distance and time since Queen Liz's funeral day in September '22, in the past I've done fairly hilly 100km rides in less time and not felt so dead/sore afterwards!
Good mileage mate, ignore the speed - if anything the lower the speed the more taxing a 47 mile ride is, due to the time involved! Time in the saddle! :D

The weather was even worse this morning and it only stopped 1 hour ago. I started the full PRL ride but then my laptop crashed after 90 minutes. Not wanting to be beaten I jumped on and completed the Uber pretzel.

Total today:
7 hours
3043m climbing

Feeling broken but looks like I should be able to complete the century ride next week (160km 2000m climb).
Mega ride and effort. 7 hours slogging on Zwift has got to count for over 10 outdoors, you'll be fine! 160km and 2000m is 100mi & 6500ft, pretty much what I've hit with the imperials I'd done around here without really hunting for hills - nor struggling because of too many of them. Most recent was a very social one with my outdoor club and I poor form/legs at the time so rode it very reserved/easy.

Does the moon have to be waxing gibbous as well!
Seemed like it! But the ease I was able to get it to & quite skilled towards the end it got easier and easier. I can see the warmer weather just speeds things up for getting the water/shampoo mix pressed out of the fitting. I think colder would just take longer - certainly the test section I'd tried before I did in much cooler weather without too many problems.

Looks like we finally have at least a few days on the trott to use summer cycling kit, at least in Hampshire! \o/
Yeah glorious here.... But had a rain shower saturday morning (I couldn't ride anyway) and then a heavy downpour yesterday afternoon. Proper thunderstorm 'big spots' around 5pm but had dried up a few hours later.

Actually in non-thermals for my commute today for the first time! :)
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I hate you all - as you all got in more miles than me! Saturday had family plans, followed by a few house stuff when we got back (and fitted my Invisiframe!). Did consider sunday but never quite got to it... Monday wanted to cross off as many 'house jobs' and get the garden ready for summer. Did a bunch of it so feeling very chuffed on that front... But still no riding!

One thing I did come across fitting the 12 speed Ultegra cranks... They seem to have a plastic 'stopper' in the middle of the crank axle, which was stopping the black screw cap/dust plastic cover thing you pre-load the bearings with screwing down fully to do so... None of my other cranks seem to have it!

Thats not right. I have this groupset and that "bung" is part of shimanos updates to their cranks to prevent water/moisture ingress which was part of the reason their old cranks were failing. I can pop off my crank to see where mine sits but I would be surprised if its at the point where there are threads.

Unfortunately thats designed not to move so if that really is the cause then it will be a warranty/replacement of the crank.
Out of interest to all that has done ride London before, what are the feeding points like ? I'm hearing conflicting views.
Haha very true! I'm pretty comfy on my old Triban (although am *very* interested in a little upgrade later this year!)

So as you are in my wave I'm just going to go round shouting "manic" at the top of my voice... i'll probably get arrested but **** it :cry:
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