Road House

I finished season 1 of Yellowstone the other week; now onto Season 2. I am really enjoying it. It completely flew under the radar when it was released for some reason.

Back drop is the largest ranch in the US, Kevin Costner is trying to prevent it being gobbled up by progress. He has a smoking hot cow girl of a daughter, which broadly makes it worth it on that alone.

Feel like this isn't the correct thread!
Feel like this isn't the correct thread!
lol this is the second time in two days. Luckily I am on some unique special list for exemplary members (is my understanding) so a mod will probs move it.

It will make me watch yellowstone though!
Its really great man. The first episode is like a proper pilot so manage your time (I think it is like a double episode).
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I love Gyllenhaal movies usually but this just looks cringe...

I honestly don't understand why he's doing it, surely it's not for the money.... is he now one of those ageing actors that worries about taxes and living comfortably in the future, so he starts doing nicholas cage type jank

The original movie wasnt even that good and imo it dishonours the memories of the original actors.

the movie doesn't seem anything like the original anyway so why even use the title? is the movie that bad on it's own merit?
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Yeah thoroughly enjoyed it. Right amount of cringe and McGregor chews the scenery in an entertaining way. 8/10. Shakespeare this is not.
It was alright. 5/10 at best. It was quite decent until Connor Mcgreggor came into it and he's just way OTT and can't act to save his life and his dialogue was utter cringe to hear. Jake Gyllenhaal in contrast was very good but not quite enough to make the film one of the good ones.

If you can switch your brain off and just watch it for what it is its okay and will keep you entertained but don't expect anything deep with this one.
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