Road House

Rather enjoyed that, a film that didn't take itself to seriously, the only person who could act was Jake Gyllenhaal mind, I did laugh at Conner McGregor though, not sure if he was trying to hard or just having fun, suspect the later.
On reflection it was ok and I enjoyed it. It's when Colin McGregor showed up, for me it detracted from the story which made it surreal. He was like a raging testosterone driven cartoon character is best description I could think of.
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To be fair to CM, he was there for his fighting chops, and those scenes were pretty good, and I'm sure his input helped.

Mostly forgettable though, although JG is always watchable.
Some comments are pretty head scratching. Hard to wonder what movie some people were expecting in their heads going into this one.

Good production values, nostalgia and plot predictability of a typical 80s movie, bar fights, villains, one liners. Nailed the brief.
Jake Gyllenhaal is great in most things so I stuck with it. But, it's a 2 hour film with barely any character development of anyone, nor much of a plot outside what the trailer tells you. Joaquim de Almeida is terrible, even though i normally like him. Conor Mcgregor just plays himself, badly. Everyone else just acts on TV-movie level.

Wouldn't normally watch this type of film as I have no knowledge of the original and the plot is entirely predictable and boring. Literally just came for Jake. He clearly came just for the money,


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watched it, i wished they hadn't called road house, as when comparing to the 80's version it was no near as good tbf.
slight plot changes and call it something else would have been better.

Watched the original a few months ago, and yeh its not perfect, but just robustly a better film than this
Yeah, no. Sorry, but not as good as the original. The main star, whatever his name is, lacked appeal. He was just bland in the role.

I think the one thing the film did was to convince me that in a fight with McGregor I would last less than one second. That guy is built like a brick wall.
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