Road to recovery

Brah post vids of the lower body stuff you do, and those DB overhead presses. A big red flag is that you're getting lower back pain!

It would be an absolute sin to work through recovery and not have everything perfect. You're working with light weights so it's a perfect opportunity to completely re-learn correct movement patterns.

Having worked with several people with exactly this situation, it is simply not possible to accomplish on your own. Somewhat ridiculously, physios don't seem to know how to do this stuff.

I'll try and get someone to record what I do, it's awfully hard considering how busy it gets in there. Also no real lower back pain on the squats, just muscles stretching and aching form it. Like doing a calve stretch after it was 99% close to a cramp.

Apart form the goblet squats, everything I do is on a machine, good news is that the lying down hamstring curls don't hurt like they did last September so I'm making progress there.
I know I shouldn't havee, but went into the gym anymore. Came out feeling much better though. Barely did anything, but it felt good.


Bicycle 30 minutes
Interval setting
Max 8 lowest 5
5 minutes
resistence 5

standing shoulder press
3kg x10

Side lateral raises
3kg x10

Front lateral raises
3kg x10

Leg raises
BW x10 3 sets

Back extensions
5kg x10 3 sets

Stretching and foam rolling
I'll try and get someone to record what I do, it's awfully hard considering how busy it gets in there. Also no real lower back pain on the squats, just muscles stretching and aching form it. Like doing a calve stretch after it was 99% close to a cramp.

Apart form the goblet squats, everything I do is on a machine, good news is that the lying down hamstring curls don't hurt like they did last September so I'm making progress there.
Yeah that still doesn't sound good.

Don't you do standing DB press? That would be quite good at revealing how you use your core.

Also, do deficit bulgarian split squats with DBs. Completely back safe because your torso stays vertical, and second only to squats in terms of leg exercises.
Yeah that still doesn't sound good.

Don't you do standing DB press? That would be quite good at revealing how you use your core.

Also, do deficit bulgarian split squats with DBs. Completely back safe because your torso stays vertical, and second only to squats in terms of leg exercises.

I do do standing DB presses. I'll try and get someone to record me doing a set this week if my back is alright by then.

I haven't done split squats in a long time, I might actually try them again instead of single leg legpress.
Weirdly split squats aggravated my back some days, probably just due to tightness somewhere no doubt. Keep at it man! No point rushing as they say :)
Well I had some physiotherapy on Monday morning and it feel so much better today even.
Can't do anything that taxes my upper back for at least this week.

We also found out what was causing the discomfort in my lower back when squatting, I dip my bum and curve my lumbar once I hit a certain depth. I need to work on that, and I'll be doing some low box goblet squats as well form now up.

Also that stretching pulling muscle feeling was no where to be found, which as they said attributed to the muscle degeneration I've suffered there and the fact that those lower erectors were never really used the past 15 months.

Gym Chest
Crosstrainer 5 mins
Base resistance 11 incline 10

Push ups
wide grip
BW x20 5 sets

Barbell bicep curls

Wide grip
30kg x10 3 sets
15kg x10 3 sets

Reverse barbell curls
20kg x10 3 sets
15kg x10 3 sets

Tricep pushdowns
55kg x10 5 sets

Back extensions
BW x10

Stretches + foam rolling

Gym legs
5 mins crosstrainer
Resistance 11 incline 10

Goblet squats
8kg x10
16kg x10 5 sets

Leg press single leg
120lbs x12 5 sets

Hip adductors
100lbs x10 5 sets

Hip abductors
110lbs x10 5 sets

Goblet Squats
16kg x9 recorded

Leg extensions
170lbs x10 5 sets

Lying down hamstring curls
120lbs x10 5 sets

Leg press/ calve toe presses
170lbs x20 3 sets

Super set
Leg raises
BW x 10 3 sets

Back extensions
BW x10 3 sets

Oblique crunches
BW x10 3 sets

Stretches + foam rolling

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Had a great day and it feels as if my little back problem form last Thursday is all sorted.

Did back today and it felt great. Had my final set of deadlifts recorded and got invaluable insight and advice from Will and Scott. Super happy and now I know what I need to fix to get my back even better.

It's just really worrying how a qualified physio trainer never spotted any of the problems.

Gym back
Crosstrainer 5 mins
Base resistance 11 incline 10

Bar x10
40kg x10
50kg x10
60kg x10 5 sets

Pull ups
BW x10 3 sets
BW x8
BW x6

Dumbbell rows
20kg x20 3 sets
20kg x10 2 sets

Reverse barbell curls
25kg x10
20kg x10 4 sets

Tricep cable pushdowns
60kg x10 5 sets

Forearm dumbbell curls
11.4kg x10 5 sets

Back extensions
+5kg x10 3 sets

Stretches + foam rolling

Time for more stretches and mobility work. Time to nip this issue in the butt and get back to a good spine.

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I didn't see those goblets before. There is still too much tuck going on.

Make you feet more parallel, massively brace your core and lats, spread the floor with your feet. Then break at the knees first and send them out WIDE.

There are some good vids of these in the exercise guide thread.

Here is some core stuff.

Essential reading:

Ab wheel rollouts

Pallof press

Notice on the final video his glutes are fully tensed drawing the front of the pelvis up to the ribs and he will also be squeezing the **** out of his abs. If you can do that for more than a minute you aren't doing it right.

The plank is not about seeing how long you can stay in a press-up position with your elbows on the floor.

The important things to focus on are these, in this order and for the entire duration of the exercise:

1) keeping your back completely straight
2) Squeeze your abs as hard as you can
3) Squeeze your glutes as hard as you can <-- do not skip this

Reverse crunch

...and hanging leg raises, but I neglected to include a video!

I'm a big fan of encouraging posterior pelvic tilt on most core work, at least as an initial phase of reconditioning (particularly important for leg raises and planks). It's essentially the opposite of how you currently use your core, and it absolutely rapes the under trained muscles.

Unfortunately I'm not at all surprised that a physio missed this stuff. My brother (Dom) works with a rowing club and their physio is a complete waste of time. I've heard some absolute horror stories about physios in general too.

The unfortunate fact is that they just don't seem to get taught modern stuff, and it seems to be up to them to learn cutting edge sports relevant information.

I've been lucky enough to get to know a guy who has seen literally the foremost back rehab expert in the world (Stuart McGill) for a severe injury, and is a friend of Eric Cressey. This guy has forgotten more cool stuff than I know. He also introduced me to two very competent physios, one of whom is now a friend of mine and we send each other wounded bros.
Don't go that deep whilst you still tuck in - you're better off getting to parallel or as deep as you can before tucking as you'll cause yourself more grief. You'll also be potentially causing very very tiny slight dislocations in your hips putting a lot of pressure on your tendons, and certainly it'll start to affect as the weights get heavier on your hips and pelvis - perhaps Ice may disagree with this, but when I was tucking in, I did a test - on all 4s in front of the mirror and mimicked squatting (it looked like I was saying to someone "take me from behind" :o) until i saw my back "break" and start to tuck - then tried to understand where the tightness was. I also discovered that I was "bone on bone" fnar... i.e. my skeletal structure was adjusting itself to allow for the depth.

This turned out to be a mixture of psoas tightness, hamstring, glutes and tfl causing an imbalance. Now this may be completely different to you - but my thoracic mobility is pretty good, my lumbar mobility however is pretty bad owing to my tightened hamstrings and glutes.

However, without seeing more movement by someone manipulating you, i.e. lie on your back, relax your leg on someone's shoulder and let them move your leg - it's hard to see where your tightness occurs. Furthermore, whilst I thought I had a strong core, I realise that that was also accentuating my tuck in, owing to it not being tight enough.

Now after a good year of working on it, my tuck has decreased significantly - it's still not perfect owing to the sheer dense muscle I have wrapped around my tendons (not trying to big myself - it's just a fact) causing the mobility work to be less effective until it started to "loosen" me.
Freefaller - too strong to squat :cool:

I saw what sounds exactly like your doggy style test on a "fix your squat form" article from Tony Gentilcore.
Thanks a lot chaps, I can agree with that FF is saying as well. I remember a lot of bone on bone when I use to squat a lot.

I have to say I did those psoas stretches yesterday and I can really feel it today, feels like doms almost going up the sides of my pelvis to under my obliques.

I'm too sure on the ab wheel anymore, I use to swear by it, but after I tried it 3 months a go I was stuck in bed for a week due to muscle spasms as I pinched my damaged nerve.

For the moment, I'll do all the others and work on my core before I try that again.
I did some pallof presses during my rehab in the summer, but the cable fly they had, was at a locked bottom position so the gym one might be perfect for me as I can adjust its height.

I'll be cycling today for about 30 minutes and then do these core exercises. I'll them in on my Tuesday leg day as well if that's all right.

On the note of my squats, as I mentioned I'll be doing low box squats to improve a bit before going too low.

Thanks again chaps.

I'm still just amazed at the physio not spotting anything, this IT of mine prides itself on it's sports and sport rehabilitation courses.
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Ice - have you ever tried lunged pallof press - OMG wow.
No, but now I have to :(

Yeah rollouts are actually pretty advanced, in fact my progression would go:

Bosu/physio ball rollouts and "stir the pot" --> correctly done plank --> rollouts

All will posterior pelvic tilt. I also really like doing a reverse crunch into deadbug hybrid thing. It's horrifically difficult, but the technique is simple.
Here's what I did today. It was extremely tough all right and the amount of odd looks I got from people and the one trainer when I was doing deadbugs, pallof presses and reverse crunches was mind blowing.


Bicycle 30 minutes
Interval setting
Max 9 lowest 5

Dead bugs 1
X10 3 sets per leg

Physioball roll outs
x10 3 sets

Standing Pallof press
10kg x10 3 sets per side

30 seconds 3 sets

Reverse crunch
X10 3 sets

Stretching and foam rolling

I have to say even just standing the doing posterior tilt makes me feel my lower abdominals and obliques. It also feels much better and my back is straight and that "lower gut" from lordoses just disappears.

I'll certainly add at least one of these in a day I'm in the gym, with doing a round of them like today on Saturdays.
Not much done this week, as I had an IT conference for Graduates to attend and been super busy with uni work.

Still squeezed in all the proper core work i missed out on though. I find these to be more important that other superficial muscles at the moment. Didn't stop me from doing some silly arms yesterday though.

Gym Chest
Crosstrainer 5 mins
Random hill setting
Base resistance 11 incline 10

Bench press
wide grip
Bar x10
40kg x10
60kg x5
70kg x3
80kg x10 4 sets
80kg x9

Wide grip pull ups
BW x10

Chest cable flys
Handles from ground
22.5kg x10 4 sets
20kg x10

Push ups.
X20 3 sets

Deadbugs 1
X10 5 sets per side

Barbell bicep curls
Wide grip
30kg x10 3 sets
25kg x10 2 sets

Reverse barbell curls
25kg x10 2 sets
20kg x10 3 sets

+10kg X10 3 sets

Stretches + foam rolling

Gym back
Crosstrainer 5 mins
Base resistance 11 incline 10

Bar x10
40kg x10
50kg x10 3 sets

Pallof press
10kg x10 5 sets

Pull ups
BW x10 3 sets
BW x8
BW x6

Dumbbell rows
25kg x20 2 sets
20kg x20 2 sets
20kg x10

Reverse barbell curls
20kg x10 5 sets

Forearm dumbbell curls
12kg x10 5 sets

Back extensions
+10kg x10 3 sets

Stretches + foam rolling


Bicycle 30 minutes
Interval setting
Max 9 lowest 6

Super set
(Dead bugs 1
X10 3 sets per leg

Barbell Shrugs
40kg x20 3 sets)

Super set
(Physioball roll outs
x10 3 sets

Single leg glute bridge
X10 per side 3 sets

Plate shrugs
25kg x12 3 sets)

Super set
35 seconds 3 sets

Preacher dumbbell curls
6kg x12 3 sets)

Super set
(Reverse crunch
X10 3 sets

Narrow grip barbell preacher curls
15kg x12 3 sets)

Tricep cable pushdowns
50kg x30

Stretching and foam rolling
Decided to take a break from normal benchpresses, squats and deadlifts for a while. At least until I can get my core up to a decent level again. Plus today I was doing squats and we hard a click/cracking sound, followed by some deferred lower back pain into my left hip. Not nice, it's mostly gone away a bit, but I'm wary of it.

I've been told plenty of times not to bother with squats and deadlifts anymore, but I shall give them a try again in a month or two.

Gym Chest
Crosstrainer 5 mins
Random hill setting
Base resistance 11 incline 10

Bnch press
wide grip
Bar x10
40kg x10
60kg x5
70kg x3
80kg x10 3 sets

Incline dumbbell press
25kg x8
20kg x10 3 sets

Wide grip pull ups
BW x10

Deadbugs 1
X10 5 sets per side

Chest cable flys
Handles from ground
22.5kg x10 5 sets

Barbell bicep curls
Wide grip
30kg x10 3 sets
25kg x10 2 sets

Reverse barbell curls
25kg x10 3 sets
20kg x10 2 sets

+10kg X10 5 sets

Stretches + foam rolling

My first time trying dumbbell bench since my injury, and it's so much easier on my back. Mostly because it's at an incline. Plus my stabilisers are pathetically weak it seems. Time to work on that.

Gym legs
5 mins crosstrainer
Resistance 11 incline 10

Goblet squats
8kg x10
16kg x10
20kg x10 2 sets
16kg x10 2 sets

Leg press single leg
110lbs x12 5 sets

Hip adductors
110lbs x10

Hip abductors
120lbs x10

Leg extensions
170lbs x10

Lying down hamstring curls
120lbs x10

Deferred lower backpain into left hip
Stretches + foam rolling

I've also decided to give CBL a try. Starting tomorrow I'm going to start cutting carbs to <30 for the next few days as the prep for it.

It's going to be extremely tough I think. I'm so use to having my 100grams of oats in the morning 30 minutes after waking up. I'm actually going to have to try and drink coffee again, I haven't done so in years to cut down on caffeine. Now it seems it actually has a very good use for me.
Need to try and get some coconut oil as well, I've been looking for it around town, but places don't seem to sell it.

It seems that some of my main meals won't change at all, I've preferred to have proteins and lots of veg the majority of the time, now I just need to cut out the fruit and carbs that go with them.

I've also decided to learn how to skip, and got a €4 skipping rope from Argos. Now I just need to get it done in the mornings. That along with cutting breakfast sounds extremely daunting to me. Essentially I'll be forgoing breakfast for a larger lunch of chicken/beef/fish and veg.

It's going to be an interesting phase, and I wonder if i can hack it. If I can for prep days, I can finally indulge my sweet tooth at night after training. :D

Only thing is, tomorrow is going to suck. I have no caffeine in the house, or coffee for "breakfast".
Had my first day of my Prep phase for CBL. So far so good, although not having that 100grams of oats first thing in the morning sucks.

Can't wait to have some cottage cheese before bed at least. After these 10 days, my back should be better again as well so I can start training again.

I'll also be starting Yoga and Pilates, Monday and Tuesday respectively. That should really help my back as well. Hopefully the classes aren't too full here at college.
Second day into my CBL prep phase and it's all right so far.

CBL prep day 2

Am mix.
Half a scoop of whey
Coffee, one cup with coconut milk for MCT, another without.
All the vitamins an mineral tablets

11:50 lunch/breakfast
1.5 diced chicken fillet ~300g
Salad of;
Spinach, rocket, tomato, and slices of green, red and yellow peppers. Two tea spoons of olive oil on top.

14:50 Snack
20g of whey and 50g of almonds.

Before super light training/physio

Coffee with 1 teapsoon coconut milk
10g whey

Planned dinner
450 grams beef and asparagus

Before bed is 150g of cottage cheese AKA half a tub.

I'll be using whey until I can get some whey isolate, also I see that casein and hydrolysate is also recommended for post-training shake.
I might pick up some casein, but no way am I affording a decent sized bag of hydrolysate whey.

I have to admit, adding a tablespoon of coconut milk to my coffee doesn't change the flavour at all. Still strong tastes of coffee, so no problems there.

A list of things I'm hoping to order soon are;

Impact Whey Isolate 2.5kg possibly 5kg
L Leucine
Creatine Monohydrate
Alpha Men ( best bang for buck complete vitamins I can get here it seems )
Coconut Oil

Calcium Cassinate
Beta Alanine
L Ornithine Alpha Ketoglutarate

I have to admit, despite not having that big surge of carbs first thing in the morning the prep phase isnt too bad so far. I've never eaten all that many carbs with meals usually.
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Isolate is an unfortunate essential if you want whey in the AM. I'm sure I can tell the difference between isolate and regular whey :( Only having a few 10g scoops here and there means my 2.5kg bag going to last ages though.

Casein/hydrolysate, not so much.
What are your choices for your backload carbs going to be?, finding circa 300g carbs isn't as easy as I thought. That said the thought of it does have me salivating already.

Once past the prep phase is it correct that a small carb meal in the evening on off days is acceptable? I didn't come across anything in the book to suggest this but read it somewhere else.
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