Road to recovery

It still seems like you're making this harder than it needs to be.

Last nights backload:

As soon as I finished training - 3 scoops of whey, 2 heaped scoops of dextrose (100g)

Get home - around 1.5-2 litres of water

Some time later - large Dominoes Texas BBQ pizza washed down with more water (260g)

Some time later - 4 donuts, pint of delicious unhomogenised milk and a Kit Kat (at least 40g)

Obviously that's a bit exceptional because of the Dominoes, but normal large pizza has around 120g. Having your PWO shake asap is important too, there is nothing worse than trying to fit an entire backload into your stomach at the same time.
Spreading across regular intervals made it so much more bareable!

Immediate PWO shake (same as Ice's)
50g cornflakes

Then jump in the shower.

Main meal with 100g rice

Croissant / Nutella
Banana 50-100ml milk (blended)

Stroodle & Icream

I was still quite full but not bloated or uncomfortable and I actually enjoyed eating all the sweet foods!
haha not sure why you guys wanted to punish yourselfs with one mega session to start with and not go with a bit more spacing (as advised :p) but glad your both finding it much more comfortable :D
Makes it much harder for me since I finish so late. I don't want to go to bed with carbs still in my stomach and it happens if I eat them around or after 9PM anyway.

Tonight I need to work through a pack of stale tesco doughnuts. My housemate opened the pack on Wednesday ate one, and never told me. Looks Like I shall be dunking them.

I am going to double my protein in my PWO shake though, that extra 20g means I don't have to have an extra chicken fillet. :)

Going to heat up the doughnuts and put nutella all over them as well.
Why don't you want carbs in your stomach when you go to bed? It wont make a huge difference, just try and fit everything in as early as possible.
err have the extra chicken fillet for lunch or an afternoon snack! Dont ditch food in favour of whey if you have the food, and your not to focused on controlling food costs.
Why don't you want carbs in your stomach when you go to bed? It wont make a huge difference, just try and fit everything in as early as possible.

Plus I sleep horribly if I have any in my stomach, or should I say I don't sleep.

err have the extra chicken fillet for lunch or an afternoon snack! Dont ditch food in favour of whey if you have the food, and your not to focused on controlling food costs.

I really want to get through this unflavoured isolate haha. Mostly one of the main reasons. Tastes like vomit with creatine, leucine and other things added. Even the dextrose doesn't help.
I think he is referring to low GI carbs.

If you go to bed with carbs in your stomach it won't make much difference really. So I'll try and get them in when I can without having that happen.

If anyone has been paying even a little attention I've been making head way in it all, and biggest problem has simply been my small stomach after a very long time of "poverty food", and having chosen far to "heavy" foods for my first few meals.
Going to bed with high gi carbs in you isn't a problem, relatively speaking.

Still can't sleep for crap with them in my gut. Also trying to avoid the types that bloat me so much I feel like getting sick and have a huge swollen gut.

Pastries and some fresh baked doughnuts are perfect it seems, croissants are heaven for me.

I have to get through those cheap stale tesco d-nuts though. I'm not going to waste food.
So sleepy right now.

CBL day

9:00 Am mix.
10g whey isolate
~200mg caffeine
Coffee with 1tsp coconut oil for MCT,
Alpha men x2

13:00 lunch/breakfast
Grilled chicken fillets 299g
Spinach, tomatoes
2tsp olive oil on top
Cup of coffee

15:00 snack
20g whey isolate
30g almonds

16:30 pre-training
Coffee, 1tsp coconut oil
~200mg caffeine
10g whey isolate
4g beta-alanine
5g creatine

17:28 Training
Weigh in at gym

19:16 post-training
40g whey isolate
~200mg caffeine
3g leucine
5g creatine
54g dextrose

19:56 dinner
Grilles boerewors 346g
90g rice
Alpha men x2

All covered in nutella
2 large crossaints

Two powder sugar
Jam doughnuts

22:20 OAKG

150g cottage cheese

Gym Chest
Crosstrainer 5 mins
Base resistance 11 incline 10

Incline dumbbell press
11.4kg x10
15kg x5
20kg 3
25kg x10 5 sets

Twist in/fly at top
20kg x10 5 sets

Wide grip pull ups
BW x12

Chest cable flys
From top
25kg x10 3 sets
22.5kg x10 2 sets

Super set

(Deadbugs 1
X10 5 sets per side

Barbell bicep curls)
Wide grip
30kg x10 5 sets

Super set
(Reverse barbell curls
20kg x10 5 sets

Dips Narrow grip)
+10kg X10 5 sets

Stretches + foam rolling
Yesterday was an interesting day, only had 6 hours sleep at most in the past two days, yet training went well and I managed to eat a little extra.

Tonight I have to hunt for an open gym as the college one is closed until next Wednesday for Easter.

CBL day

12:00 Am mix.
10g whey isolate
~200mg caffeine
Coffee with 1tsp coconut oil for MCT,
Alpha men x2

13:00 lunch/breakfast
Grilled chicken fillets 312g
Spinach, tomatoes, broccoli
2tsp olive oil on top

15:00 snack
20g whey isolate
30g almonds

16:50 pre-training
Coffee, 1tsp coconut oil
~200mg caffeine
10g whey isolate
4g beta-alanine
5g creatine

17:28 Training
Weigh in at gym

18:56 post-training
40g whey isolate
3g leucine
5g creatine
64g dextrose

19:56 dinner
Grilled turkey leg and wing 317g
(Cooked weight)
95g rice
Large Banana
Alpha men x2

All covered in nutella
1/3 apple pie

Covered in nutella
large croissant
Chocolate doughnut

22:28 OAKG

150g cottage cheese

Gym legs
5 mins crosstrainer
Resistance 11 incline 10

Leg press
170lbs x10
single leg
130lbs x12 5 sets

Super set
(Hip adductors
90lbs x10 5 sets

Hip abductors
90lbs x10 5 sets)

Leg extensions
170lbs x10 5 sets

Lying down hamstring curls
140lbs x10 5 sets

Toe pushes
110lbs x10 1 set per foot
120lbs x10 4 sets per foot

Single leg glute bridge
BW x10 3 sets per leg

Planks with glute activation
35 seconds x5

Stretches + foam rolling
Trendlines would suggest I need to reduce my carb intake slightly. Though I quite like eating 400g+ each night! (Over 2 weeks). That said I've still leaned out over the last week due to HST 15's.


Will aim for around 350g (:()and see how I respond.
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