It still seems like you're making this harder than it needs to be.
Last nights backload:
As soon as I finished training - 3 scoops of whey, 2 heaped scoops of dextrose (100g)
Get home - around 1.5-2 litres of water
Some time later - large Dominoes Texas BBQ pizza washed down with more water (260g)
Some time later - 4 donuts, pint of delicious unhomogenised milk and a Kit Kat (at least 40g)
Obviously that's a bit exceptional because of the Dominoes, but normal large pizza has around 120g. Having your PWO shake asap is important too, there is nothing worse than trying to fit an entire backload into your stomach at the same time.
Last nights backload:
As soon as I finished training - 3 scoops of whey, 2 heaped scoops of dextrose (100g)
Get home - around 1.5-2 litres of water
Some time later - large Dominoes Texas BBQ pizza washed down with more water (260g)
Some time later - 4 donuts, pint of delicious unhomogenised milk and a Kit Kat (at least 40g)
Obviously that's a bit exceptional because of the Dominoes, but normal large pizza has around 120g. Having your PWO shake asap is important too, there is nothing worse than trying to fit an entire backload into your stomach at the same time.