Road Tripping in the USA!

Hi All,

My brother in law is heading over to Vegas with two nights in the Canyon South Rim.

Can anyone recommend some helicopter tours that start from there?

Many thanks in advance :)
The problem with the US compared with say 'travelling in Asia' is the hotel prices, you'll need to easily budget £100 a night for something half decent anywhere in the US now so 10 nights is going to be 1/3rd of your budget on hotels. Another 1/3rd on flights and car hire for the same period and that leaves you with £1k to enjoy yourself.

Norwegian to Fort Lauderdale will probably be the cheapest flights but I actually think there was / is some sort of Zika scare going on there as well. LA is then probably your only other option due to the amount of companies that fly there.

Friends of mine have been to various parts of Asia and stayed in lovely hotels for £20-£30 a night so your money will go a lot further there (but flights will probably be more). £1500 each really isn't a great budget and the GBP is taking a hammering at the moment anyway so I don't think more than 10 nights anywhere long haul is going to be really possible.

What are you talking about? £600 each to get to the USA? You can frequently do it for around £3-£350. Indeed, BA we’re doing Miami for £260 this week and LAX astound £270. For Thailand it shouldn’t cost you more than around £400.

Agree with you about currency. I’m in the eurozone (Baltic’s) at the minute and it’s so expensive.
Don't forget the long haul airlines have now adopted the low cost model, those headline prices are hand baggage only so by the time you've upgraded to a proper ticket it's rather more money.
Need some advice - has anyone won a significant amount of money in Vegas before?

I won $1800 last night on the slots downtown, but they took 30% as tax there and then, and gave me a form and said I would have to reclaim it but I've no idea where to start.

The hotel I'm staying at weren't too helpful either.

I won 1k in Vegas, went to the cashier and she just gave me 1k. Though that was 12 years ago. :p
I was with EE last time I went (about 2 years ago) and it was perfectly fine. No real signal issues and fast enough for maps, basic browsing and the odd bit of social media.

What are you talking about? £600 each to get to the USA? You can frequently do it for around £3-£350. Indeed, BA we’re doing Miami for £260 this week and LAX astound £270. For Thailand it shouldn’t cost you more than around £400.

Agree with you about currency. I’m in the eurozone (Baltic’s) at the minute and it’s so expensive.

I've nearly always been in school holidays (wife is a teacher), £400-£500 is probably about par to a well served airport (LA, Miami), go anywhere a little bit less popular (Seattle for example) and it can easily jump up another few hundred.

As Fox has pointed out, £350 for Norwegian sounds great until you realise it's another £50 per slight per person for bags, a seat and some food.
Not long been back from a two week trip over in California. Had a great time, despite not going quite as nuts on the hire car (less driving this time) and ending up with a Ford Fusion hybrid!

Lesson learnt this time.......don't park facing the wrong way!


We actually got fined twice! Both for the same thing, but the description on the first ticket was hand written and didn't really make sense to us. (Said something like Right side of car within 18" of curb). We assumed it meant that I parked too far from the curb, which I'm sure I hadn't. But as I parked facing the wrong way, technically the right side of the car was miles from the curb - hence the ticket.
We only found this out after doing this a second time! I originally parked fine, but then saw that street cleaning was the next morning, so moved the car to the other side of the street, but didn't turn around.
We had no idea that was a law, as who cars which way around you park in the UK?!

We popped to the police station to plead ignorant for the second one and are waiting to hear back if we got away with it. I highly doubt it but you never know!
Ah yes that old chestnut, a Good Samaritan in Austin warned us about that before we got a ticket.

$50 isn’t too bad though if you have to pay it.
It's always worth checking the rules online when you go somewhere new - for example in the town where I live (and most of the surrounding towns too) you can't park on any street or public parking lot from 2am to 6am.

There are signs on a couple of the roads into town but you could easily miss them (or not go past one at all) but you're just expected to know the rules.
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A lot of areas seem to have rules about not being able to leave a car on the street for more than 24 or 48 hours, even if said street is otherwise unrestricted and with no signs warning of this policy. Nearly fallen foul of that one on a couple of occasions but always remembered just in time.
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