The problem with the US compared with say 'travelling in Asia' is the hotel prices, you'll need to easily budget £100 a night for something half decent anywhere in the US now so 10 nights is going to be 1/3rd of your budget on hotels. Another 1/3rd on flights and car hire for the same period and that leaves you with £1k to enjoy yourself.
Norwegian to Fort Lauderdale will probably be the cheapest flights but I actually think there was / is some sort of Zika scare going on there as well. LA is then probably your only other option due to the amount of companies that fly there.
Friends of mine have been to various parts of Asia and stayed in lovely hotels for £20-£30 a night so your money will go a lot further there (but flights will probably be more). £1500 each really isn't a great budget and the GBP is taking a hammering at the moment anyway so I don't think more than 10 nights anywhere long haul is going to be really possible.
Need some advice - has anyone won a significant amount of money in Vegas before?
I won $1800 last night on the slots downtown, but they took 30% as tax there and then, and gave me a form and said I would have to reclaim it but I've no idea where to start.
The hotel I'm staying at weren't too helpful either.
What are you talking about? £600 each to get to the USA? You can frequently do it for around £3-£350. Indeed, BA we’re doing Miami for £260 this week and LAX astound £270. For Thailand it shouldn’t cost you more than around £400.
Agree with you about currency. I’m in the eurozone (Baltic’s) at the minute and it’s so expensive.
Anybody with EE used Roaming in California / LA / San Francisco - how was the signal/speeds? Thanks in advance.
Just make sure you're on a plan that has America included, a lot of the cheaper EE plans don't.Anybody with EE used Roaming in California / LA / San Francisco - how was the signal/speeds? Thanks in advance.
Ah yes that old chestnut, a Good Samaritan in Austin warned us about that before we got a ticket.
Paid extra for the V8!