Robocop Rogue City

Here we go, Just look at how TRASH FSR2.2 is in this lol.

And an updated IMGSLI for @Nexus18 :cry:

Tbh I'd be fine sticking with DLAA+Frame Gen to max out the 139fps cap. It's got some shimmering though out on the wet tarmac as you can see, but it's decent quality. Although XeSS is still far better and has no sparkly/shimmering. Edit, this is an Intel sponsored game so XeSS doing so well makes perfect sense now. I didn't skip the intro screens on load and saw the Arc splash screen and it all now makes sense...

I was expecting the start to be a bit different. They used the start of the demo as the start of the game. Lol.

I stated fresh anyway. Managed to get almost 500 on the range. Pass mark was 50

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I managed to get an A for the first one. Only thing I messed up was letting a single hostage die.

Is A highest if anyone knows? You know how some games have a S or something.

Anyway, I am happy this game is not too long. Short and sweet is nice sometimes.
completionist 17 hours?
I have absolutely no nostalgia for the franchise but the game looks cool.

I am enjoying it to be honest. When you consider it is a small dev that made it and the fair price they are asking for it on cdkeys, can't complain really. Plus I got it at a further £10 discount due to a cash back offer at the time. Happy days :D
Really enjoying this despite the jankyness of it lol.

Anyone else get a massive fps drop near the end of the steel mill mission just after you head back to regroup with the police?

Went from 100+ fps to 30 and under!
I am enjoying it to be honest. When you consider it is a small dev that made it and the fair price they are asking for it on cdkeys, can't complain really. Plus I got it at a further £10 discount due to a cash back offer at the time. Happy days :D
I know you can get this cheaper elsewhere but currently on Steam the base game is £45 which, to me at least, feels likes it's too expensive. In fact I'd suggest that £30 is probably a better price for folks that "might" be interested enough to pay up whilst £45 is definitely too much to grab those same people.

I watched a dozen plus YT videos of gameplay now and, again for me at least, my concerns from the initial demo over the gameplay "style" still seem valid i.e. Robocop isn't a very fluid mover, so you clunkily stomp about down mostly corridors, shooting a handful of folks in the face in each new corridor and hit "regen health" every so often as you can't really avoid taking damage through stealth or quick movement around cover (duck/prone etc) as that isn't what Robocop as a character "does". I know Teyon will have done a fantastic job with the world-building and lore of Robocop, just like they did for their Terminator game which I absolutely love, but from the videos I've seen so far, the gameplay just doesn't grab my attention.
I know you can get this cheaper elsewhere but currently on Steam the base game is £45 which, to me at least, feels likes it's too expensive. In fact I'd suggest that £30 is probably a better price for folks that "might" be interested enough to pay up whilst £45 is definitely too much to grab those same people.

I watched a dozen plus YT videos of gameplay now and, again for me at least, my concerns from the initial demo over the gameplay "style" still seem valid i.e. Robocop isn't a very fluid mover, so you clunkily stomp about down mostly corridors, shooting a handful of folks in the face in each new corridor and hit "regen health" every so often as you can't really avoid taking damage through stealth or quick movement around cover (duck/prone etc) as that isn't what Robocop as a character "does". I know Teyon will have done a fantastic job with the world-building and lore of Robocop, just like they did for their Terminator game which I absolutely love, but from the videos I've seen so far, the gameplay just doesn't grab my attention.


Why pay more?
Does this play well on controller? I picked it up but haven't started it yet and I'd rather play it on my OLED but that's not near the PC.

Looking at the videos it kinda feels like it's a m+kb game...
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Should play perfectly fine on controller, same as any other fps really.

Upholding the public trust is a fool's game, this guy, after I sorted his issue out, is still there standing with his cans littering the floor hours later. I would give him a fine for littering at this point if I could.

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Should play perfectly fine on controller, same as any other fps really.

Upholding the public trust is a fool's game, this guy, after I sorted his issue out, is still there standing with his cans littering the floor hours later. I would give him a fine for littering at this point if I could.
i went with no tolraence apporoach which has issues later too
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Does this play well on controller? I picked it up but haven't started it yet and I'd rather play it on my OLED but that's not near the PC.

Looking at the videos it kinda feels like it's a m+kb game...
ive done both,
I''m now locked to using a controller due to an issue on K+M

this is very niche, but broken... issue i have
I have a disability so I game with just a mouse + WASD everything else is on the mouse

However my mouse is mapped to F1-F4 for side buttons
F4 is my shield, BUT F4 is locked to reload checkpoint & found no way to disable it :o:mad: so if i use my sheild i loose all my progress gg!
Played the intro bit last night and enjoyed it but graphically it looks nothing like whats been posted here (ie it looks awful on my PC!) will have to have another look at settings but everything looked like it was set to high ish!
Played the intro bit last night and enjoyed it but graphically it looks nothing like whats been posted here (ie it looks awful on my PC!) will have to have another look at settings but everything looked like it was set to high ish!

What resolution are you on? Graphics look good enough for me. In places it looks great and others a little dated, but I am fine with that.

On another not PCGamer gave this 65% which I think is a bit harsh. I would say it is at least a 75% in my opinion.

Thus far I would give it an 8 out of 10 based on getting it under £20. It is not a £45 game, but who pays that when you can get is for £25.99 from cdkeys?

At £25.99 it is a solid 7.5 out of 10 I would say. Well worth buying, and especially if you like robocop. I am not a huge fan, but I am still having fun, especially after watching the movie recently.

I am doing every possible missions I can find. If I was not having fun I would just do the primary objectives and be done with it in half the time rather than exploring.
What I would say though is, the performance requirement for the graphics you get in return is not exactly the best. I mean I got similar performance for better graphics in Cyberpunk 2077.

Not sure if that is due to small developer or UE5 or both.
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