I finally watched the movie in prep for the game
Proper 80's stuff that. Definitely one for the nostalgia for those who say its great. Sure it had it's moments but can't say it aged well like Terminator which is actually a older movie.
The bit where ed 209 fell down the steps had me in stitches. Who's idea was it to use pig sounds?
Bwahahaha. Wtf!
Worth a watch and I am sure I will enjoy the game. But I can see why I enjoyed Terminator 1 and 2 as a kid and have watched those probably a dozen times the past 30 years and this is the second time I have watched RoboCop and probably the last

Proper 80's stuff that. Definitely one for the nostalgia for those who say its great. Sure it had it's moments but can't say it aged well like Terminator which is actually a older movie.
The bit where ed 209 fell down the steps had me in stitches. Who's idea was it to use pig sounds?
Bwahahaha. Wtf!

Worth a watch and I am sure I will enjoy the game. But I can see why I enjoyed Terminator 1 and 2 as a kid and have watched those probably a dozen times the past 30 years and this is the second time I have watched RoboCop and probably the last