Robot that can jump 7.5m

hmm, they don't mention that it also needs a 7.5m radius to bounce around in on the other side of the obstacle. It doesn't land very gracefully.
If these had a mini nade intergrated these would be awesome to jump into enemy and go kaboom. Or to jump up a wall of an enemy building, detonate and u got a nice big hole to see the enemy.

Surely you can do that from the other side of the wall too, thus defeating the need to jump over it.
Minor problem with the OP robot. The piston will only be reliable on a flat, hard surface. Place on soft ground, or if the ground is on an angle!
Am i the only one noticing the lack of "robot" and more a toy car?

i guess that would be what you consider a robot.

to me a robot is something with artificial inteligence that operates without human input.

now in that picture it just seems to be a radio controlled car with a hydraulic powered foot on the bottom that is operated my a human

either way it seems like a waste of money when you have flying robots like the predator that carry a missile, also there is a more helicopter like flying saucer robot america devloped
both could easily fly over the fence and give a better view if fitted with a camera
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Ain't hydraulics flipping it. Far too slow.

It's a pneumatic ram slamming a foot into the ground to toss it. It'll have a limited number of jumps before the pressurised gas runs out (almost certainly CO2). Doesn't look nearly big enough to be packing a compressor.

I'd say it was much easier to beat the magic smoke out of a little remote control car than something lurking in the sky. Screw up the jump as you try to scuttle out of the compound and it's a new toy for the baddies.

Whats more noticeable anyway? A remote control car whirring around metres away or a birdything hundreds of metres away and in the sky.

Seeing a lack of point.
either way it seems like a waste of money when you have flying robots like the predator that carry a missile, also there is a more helicopter like flying saucer robot america devloped
both could easily fly over the fence and give a better view if fitted with a camera

Not unless you want to then go inside a building.

Just one thing I learn recently - the UK still maintains that a human operator must fire a robot mounted weapon (gun/missile) after evaluating the situation. The US on the other hand doesn't.

There's lots of interesting things in the pipeline. Israel's recon snake is interesting and spooky too.
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