*** Rocket League *** Car Football

Is it possible to create your own server, have your friends easily join that server and have randoms on it too?

Reached about lvl10 so far, only played the standard quick match options.

we tend to invite via steam then it puts us all together in a group. the names should appear st the bottom of the menu screen,from there you can select who is the host from your group. then you choose 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 or whatever and it spilts you all accordingly. really straight forward, if no strangers join then a bot appears until they do! my friends in steam who play can vary from 4 to 8 players so its really useful that you can pop back to the menu, choose a new host if one leaves then adjust the number of players to suit.
Once the match has ended and displays the scoreboard and you have the option to ready up for the next match, further down the list there is the option to save a replay of the game.

These are then stored under *I think* under the extras menu and you can change camera angles, which car you follow etc. Didn't look to see if you can spit them directly out to YouTube like some other games but I imagine you could just shadowplay/FRAPS it.
Excellent, thank you muchly!
we tend to invite via steam then it puts us all together in a group. the names should appear st the bottom of the menu screen,from there you can select who is the host from your group. then you choose 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 or whatever and it spilts you all accordingly. really straight forward, if no strangers join then a bot appears until they do! my friends in steam who play can vary from 4 to 8 players so its really useful that you can pop back to the menu, choose a new host if one leaves then adjust the number of players to suit.

Just added you on Steam :)
I'm absolutely loving this :D

Just wish people would learn to skip the replays, when you get a game going to 7-5 or something the replays can get sooooooo frustrating when one person doesn't skip it every damn time.
So, I just bought this and so far it seems to be good fun. I'll have to see how long that lasts!

Does it often seem like a bit of a random cluster-**** to anyone else? My games so far have reminded me quite a bit of young kids playing football the way everyone just chases the ball around.
Can get a bit frustrating that so many goals (for both teams) seem to happen at random.

Would be interested in playing with a party though, anyone here up for that? (or already doing it and would put up with a newbie joining?)
It's much better when you find people on your team who play with some intelligence. Some people just seem to want to hit the ball just because they can, regardless of where its going to end up!
It's much better when you find people on your team who play with some intelligence. Some people just seem to want to hit the ball just because they can, regardless of where its going to end up!

I've only been playing 2-3 days but i've lost count of the amount of times my team mates have smashed the ball from the center into the side of the map when I'm charging in for a shot.
This is the best game I've played in a long time. There's a group of 4 of us, so we play 2v2 and it's just amazing. Totally changes the game when you're playing in formation and not watching three other cars randomly smash the ball wherever they feel like it.
First game in longer than I care to remember that has me punching in the air in excitement when a move comes off.

Equally has me swearing out loud when things turn sour.

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