*** Rocket League PS4 Thread ***

I still play this a lot. Skill wise I range from reasonable to awful with an occasional great moment or two. Love it though. Level 31.
Anyone not on my list, feel free to add me!
PSN: Lateralus-68
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My experience differs, but hey ho.

Yeah, each to their own we all have our own experiences! :)

Did much better today 3 v 3, scores often, quite a few saves, better balanced games overall. 4 v 4 is just stupid.

4vs4 is an absolute cluster ****, spend more time being knocked around than actually playing. I only play that mode when playing with a big group of friends as it's more fun then, when playing seriously it needs a bigger map.

4v4 (Chaos) is utterly pointless, it would make much more sense on a field 1.5x as big.

Yeah exactly.
Really need to start playing with others, normally i get either a team of high "level" players who play like rubbish and can't hit anything or i get a team of try hards who try to win it themselves and we end up losing. They literally try and win every ball, even if it's going back towards our goal and set them up.

Just happened again trying to clear it away from our goal and one guy keeps flying around the map thinking he's MLG and just set them up for 3 of their 4 goals because he wants to do it all himself. That's the 5th game in a row now lost in a row where we have lost due to players not knowing when to leave it alone.

Game is awesome though, just so many bad players.
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Yeah its rare to find randoms that understand how to rotate positions, even rarer to find anyone that understands what balls to hit and what ones to leave because a team mates in a better position/angle - but thats hard because of the way the ball cam works...

I hate the randoms that will try and hit every ball even if it means its going towards our goal/half - thats just silly :(

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Yeah its rare to find randoms that understand how to rotate positions, even rarer to find anyone that understands what balls to hit and what ones to leave because a team mates in a better position/angle - but thats hard because of the way the ball cam works...

I hate the randoms that will try and hit every ball even if it means its going towards our goal/half - thats just silly :(

ps3ud0 :cool:

Yeah i understand that they are randoms but most of it is just common sense. I just played one then where we rotated positions and most of the time left it to someone else in a better position. It went so much better and we destroyed the enemy team as the other team had players trying to do it all and not working as a team.

Yeah the amount of times i am coming out of the goal to clear it up the other end and a player from my team comes back and knocks it back into the area to gift them a free goal happens way to often for my liking.

It's even worse when you put in an awesome cross and no one is there as they are behind you trying to get the same ball you did. Saying that i've had a few see what i'm doing and wait for the cross and put it away but it doesn't happen very often.
Deff feel your pain with randoms. I've just been jumping on and off lately but would like to actually make an effort to team up.

If anyone is on just drop me an invite if i'm online.

I find it harder to play with the try hards you mention rather than people who just suck. At least if someone sucks you can just adjust your play. but if someone is constantly knocking the ball around like a lunatic it's impossible to get anything going.

I get a lot of aerial hits above the goal that I cant alays knock down enough to score but expect a team mate covering the middle or waiting for the follow up...instead I find them in the back of the enemy goal for some reason then the other team go and score.

We all make mistakes...i've made some dumb moves myself plenty times in the heat of the moment but most are because i'm trying to cover for a dumb teammate.

My fave is when the other team start arguing! haha. They end up so busy complaining at each other you just steamroll them.

If i'm playing with someone who knows how to play, it's more fun and even a loss is a laugh. So hopefully can start having games with people from here.
I've also been adding a few people when we played well together to see if that helps.
Problem is that most assume you won't play a team game so just play for themselves - its the same issue with FIFA 11v11 with randoms - I generally approach random games where I assume Ill be the most defensive player on the team and once they've 'proven' they are as capable Ill commit to rotating and be more attacking.

Personally Im a guy that plays down the middle third of the pitch - I tend to avoid the wings (I very much attempt pool shot passes when possible to keep the ball in that section) as they seem to get contested especially with how the physics work in the game - actually all the arena edges/corners seem to attract the ball and zero velocity car pileups...

P.S. I may talk a good game, but trust me I can be a liability at times! Subconsciously I swear I allow games to be tighter than they should be...
P.P.S. While having voice chat isn't essential in this game to enhance team play, its great for apologising when you **** up - I play for fun, Id like to be better but things like aerial shots etc are just beyond me...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Yeah i know what your saying mate, i think i have you on my friendslist already so i am up for grouping up at some point.

We all make mistakes so not just putting blame on the randoms, i've made some horrible misses before but most the time it's my team mates letting me down.

Add me if you want ps3udo, dakaiez as my username on here.
Will do - normally Id be on this weekend but with the DS3 network test I doubt I will be at sociable hours. As Ive got the PS app on my phone I do tend to check any PSN messages even if Im offline on the PS4.

I mainly play a lot of RL with ak22 and Zhokel off here - both solid players, just remind ak22 how to turn ;)

ps3ud0 :cool:
Yup same here, it's a really fun game to play and that is the primary reason I play. I've very much hit and miss with aerial play - some games I have it zoned in and can go and get loads of aerial shots but then 2 games later i'm flying 5ft over the top of the ball every time.

Not sure why it is - but I know in the first 30 seconds which it will be and just adjust my game if I'm a bit off on them. lol.

1 thing i've tried to learn is I sometimes try too hard to get the perfect angle and miss the ball - but if I had a good team mate I would know to just hit the ball and get it into a good area to maybe create a play.

But also, playing as a team makes the game more fun anyway - so it'll be good to team up.

Not sure i'll be on tonight - i'm watching the Blues game at 8pm but may stick it on the laptop in the background
I should be on a bit tonight like. Been on Netflix a lot lately but had to take the afternoon off to get the gutters cleaned and what not so should be able to finish the current season on netflix in the afternoon.

If i see others on i'll throw out some invites.
Any tips for this? I use ball cam as it's too twitchy in normal cam for me.

I play fine but want to get a bit better, Also is it just playing with randoms all the time just going from game to game? Are there any stats etc?

Don't go ram into the ball, sometimes it's best to hang back middle of the park and wait for loose balls.

A good tactic is ram the ball down the side of the room and let the curve of the corners take the ball across the goal. You are basically crossing.
Don't go ram into the ball, sometimes it's best to hang back middle of the park and wait for loose balls.

A good tactic is ram the ball down the side of the room and let the curve of the corners take the ball across the goal. You are basically crossing.

Thanks for that but I've pretty much sussed those points out already. I struggle with judging where the ball is in relation to myself which is down to using ball cam I think.

I changed some camera settings and that's helped some.
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