RoEy Watercooled Build Log

Hi Meds,

Thanks for your comments mate. I've taken some better pics recently so I'll get them on soon. If you're thinking about building a water cooled system mate then just take your time, do plenty of research before you build it and then you can't go wrong.

If you need any help mate just ask.


Thanks a lot bro, unfortunately I dont have the nuts to attempt Watercooling, I'd probably mess it up, so I've opted for the corsair H50 CPU cooler instead.... By the way where do you guys buy your cable sleeves from? I cant find it anywhere on OCUK.

I've bought the bits for my new rig now, and Im just having difficulty choosing a case :( as the Corsair Obsidian has been delayeed by corsair
Stripped water cooling yesterday due to upgrades being made.

Here's whats to come:

• White tubing

• White cathodes

• New side panel with smaller window cut

• New topgrill from murder mod

• Sleeve PCI-E cables

• Re-sleeve rear fans

• Spray dvd drive

• Get 920 d0 stepping

I'll post pics when its all done. Expecting it to take 2-3 weeks.


Sent my side panel and heat killer off.

Heatkiller is currently being nickel plated and the side panel has now been cut.


Hopefully receive my bits by the weekend but I'm still waiting for the MurderMod topgrill. Been waiting 2 weeks now. :(

Looking foward to updated pics RoEy. :P

My last post in here was in July! Anyway I got down to building a new rig in October, tis noice. :P (So glad I didn't go for an E5200 powered build!).
All up and running. Just waiting on two power cables for pci-e so I can sleeve them. I'll get some photos taken soon to show you all.

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